European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws.
EU court asked to fine Sweden for failure to follow data directive
Monsters and
The data can be used by law-enforcement authorities 'to fight serious crimes and international terrorism,' said Marcin Grabiec, a spokesman for EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom. 'The directive ensures that telephone companies and internet ...
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EU to Lobby US to Change New Tax Rules
Wall Street Journal
We have engaged in a dialogue with the US Treasury to seek more proportionate conditions for theEU financial industry, building on the synergies between Fatca and the EU Savings Directive," he said in remarks at a conference in Brussels last week. ...
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EU scrap metal law aims to boost trade, recycling
The revised 2008 Waste Framework Directive sets out framework conditions for developing end-of-waste criteria. The regulation sets out conditions to be fulfilled for each scrap material before it can be freely traded within the EU's internal market. ...
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Nanotechnology law & business includes article co-authored by Lynn L. Bergeson
Environmental Expert (press release)
The abstract states: Several types of nanoscale materials recently dodged a bullet as the European Parliament declined to ban nanosilver and long multi-walled carbon nanotubes in the European Union's Directive on the Restriction and Use of Certain ...
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Data storage law protested in Norway
Telecoms News
Protesters gathered at the Norwegian Parliament (Storinget) to argue against the passing of a new data storage law raised by the European Union (EU). Lasting just over nine hours, the debate finally came to a close on Monday night where the measure was ...
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Telecoms News
Icesave treaty forces Iceland to pay for British and Dutch actions ...
By sveinnv
Iceland correctly implemented a bank-funded deposit insurance scheme according to relevant EU directives and law before the collapse of its banks. The EU- prescribed deposit insurance scheme is without any explicit or implicit sovereign guarantee ... Exchange controls were also put in place to prevent a further devaluation of the Icelandic Krona. These were not deliberate attempts to discriminate against deposits in branches of Icelandic banks in other countries but rather ... | Rökin gegn Icesave -
European regulations could see micro businesses move abroad ...
By admin
According to the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), while the UK has put a three-year moratorium on new regulations for micro firms, European law introductions could be damaging to its members. ... According to the organisation, there have been more than 100000 pages of new EU directives since 1997, with the total bill standing at €124 billion (£108 billion) per year across theEU. ...
Foreign Currency News & Views -
European Directives and Laws
European Directives and Laws. EU Eurofins may provide support for dealing with many EuropeanLaws and Directives. Some examples are: REACH regulation ...