Justice Goldstone’s Washington Post OpEd April 1st is no recantation of his infamous Report, which castigated Israel at the same level as Hamas for so-called “crimes” in the 2008-9 Gaza War. That War was an essential Defensive War against Hamas launching 10,000 Rockets, Missiles and Mortars into the peace-loving civilian Jewish Israelis of Southern Israel.'
Goldstone does NOT recant. In his self-serving apologia he brags at his cleverness by ‘pretending’ to beg off from his accusations against Israel when he merely re-emphasizes them in his WaPo trumpeted calumnies upon the Jewish Nation/State.
Please read the following 4 articles with some care. They are only beginning to reach toward true understanding of what Israel faces daily. As people in the Muslim North African and Middle Eastern countries boil over in rebellion against the Terror which their own leaders (dictators) inflict upon their own men, women and children.
Israel is America’s only stalwart, reliable, and militarily-capable ally. Israel is the only real deterrent against the rising, murderous Civil Wars in all the countries within the hostile neighborhood surrounding her. If the Muslim Brotherhood(which is behind, underneath and above) wins and becomes 'King of the Hill', ALL of America's real, vested and security interests will be at risk - including 300,000 to 500,000 American servicemen and women in the Middle East/North African ambit.
JINSA Report #1078 April 4, 2011
2. Goldstone's Lament Compels Us to Acknowledge the Causes of the Next War
If the problem in Gaza was that Goldstone and company didn't understood the nature of Hamas's one-sided war against Israeli civilians, its burrowing into the civilian infrastructure and its use of human shields - all war crimes in and of themselves - and didn't understand the requirement that the Government of Israel take action to put the rocket launchers (human and inanimate) out of business, no one can say now that they didn't know.
Participants in JINSA's Flag & General Officers Trip to Israel have, for years, met with the UNIFIL officers who patrol southern Lebanon ostensibly looking for weapons under the terms of UNSCR 1701. They are not permitted to patrol or control the borders with Syria, and their entry into Lebanese villages is announced in advance, accompanied by the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) and occasionally stopped by Hezbollah.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY April 5, 2011 Email: winston@winstonglobal.org Please disseminate & re-post. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear in www.freeman.org; JewishIndy.com; Outgoing mail is virus-checked.
2. Goldstone's Lament Compels Us to See the Causes of the Next War: JINSA
Forwarded with major commentary by Emanuel A. Winston, Mid East Analyst & Commentator
Only Israel is now a safe haven, a democracy for Jews, Christians and Muslims - all of whom have equal rights in Israel. In recent polls a majority of Muslim Arab Palestinians would prefer to live in Israel than under Arab rule.
Goldstone didn’t recant; he bragged. More shame on him than the first time.
Richard Goldstone wants us to believe that if only Israel had cooperated with the cabal investigating Operation Cast Lead, the result would have been different. What then has he to say about the new IDF report that Hezbollah has been digging under hundreds of villages in southern Lebanon, hiding weapons and preparing to attack Israel in direct violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 which controls the ceasefire that ended the fighting in 2006?
And how much better to know before the war comes. Look.
The UNIFIL colonel and his UNIFIL civilian partner blandly told the May 2010 group that they weren't finding many weapons any more. "We go along the roads. Sometimes, we find old caches from before 2006, but we aren't finding anything more recent," said the UNIFIL civilian. She was asked whether she could say with confidence then that southern Lebanon had become weapons-free as required by 1701. She declined to say anything.
The IDF representative showed the group UAV camera footage of trucks entering Lebanese villages and men unloading large crates into civilian buildings, saying Hezbollah operatives were putting weapons inside villages around the south. Occasionally, the representative said, buildings into which the crates were unloaded exploded from within.
Asked if he agreed with the assessment that Hezbollah was stashing weapons in villages, the UNIFIL colonel said, "No, not always. And the Israeli UAV flights are a violation of 1701. And the villages have to be able to defend themselves if the IDF attacks; defense is legitimate."
One of the really shocking political developments of the past week has been the Assad-centric American and Israeli responses to the beginning of upheaval in Syria. Secretary of State Clinton, citing her experiences and those of Sen. Kerry and Rep. Pelosi, said there remained a belief in Washington that Bashar Assad was a "reformer" and there was still hope of "wooing" him from Iran. Senior voices in Israel noted that Assad was, in fact, a dictator, but because he kept the Golan border with Israel quiet, he might be better for Israel than whatever follows him.
UNIFIL is hopeless, but the United States and Israel must pay serious attention to Lebanon, the place from which Syria and Iran bait Israel and from which an attack is much more likely than over the Golan Heights. Assad is a partner of Iran by choice. Hezbollah runs the government in Beirut; its private army is equipped and trained by Iran, and the LAF is not its enemy; weapons, money and trainers flow into Lebanon from Syria; UNIFIL is a dupe of the same "international community" that missed Hamas's depredations against Israeli civilians.
If the next war comes, it won't be possible to say, "If I'd known then what I know now." We know now.
All of these are in direct violation to the UN Security Council's 1701 decision
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