Thursday, 14 April 2011 07:57 'Following an arms deal between France and Russia, Paris will provide Moscow with two Mistral-class vessels that are fully equipped with NATO's communication and control systems. “Bilateral talks resulted in an agreement with the French party that they will take into account the Defense Ministry's condition to provide all necessary systems and equipment to comply with the Russian Navy's requirements,” a senior source in the Defense Ministry told Russia Today on Wednesday. Under the intergovernmental deal that was reached in December 2010, Russia will acquire the helicopter carriers with the Zenith 9 communication and control system as well as the spare parts for the ships and technical documentation.' Thursday, 14 April 2011 07:45 'Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has been charged with fraud, money laundering and breach of trust, which could force the rightist Israeli politician to step down. Israel's Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein said on Wednesday that he will announce his decision early next week on whether to file an indictment against Lieberman, Reuters reported. If convicted, the head of the right-wing Yisrael Beiteinu party would have to resign from his post, according to Weinstein.' Read more: Israel's Foreign Minister Charged with Graft Wednesday, 13 April 2011 11:25 'Everything that you own is slowly being taken away from you. It is being done purposely and it is being done by design. Many Americans like to think of themselves as "well off", but as will be demonstrated below, we don't "own" nearly as much as we think that we do. The truth is that most of us have to frantically run around accumulating wealth as rapidly as we can so that we can somehow stay ahead of the rate that wealth is being taken away from us. The entire system is designed to take what you have away from you. There are many ways that this is accomplished - taxation, inflation, debt, interest, fines, fees, tickets, government seizures and good old-fashioned corporate greed. If you tried to just sit back and do nothing but hold on to the wealth that you already have you would find out that it would disappear rather quickly. When you take the time to really analyze our system the conclusion is undeniable - everything that you think that you own is being systematically taken away from you.' Wednesday, 13 April 2011 11:08 'The light bulb's on and something's starting to happen Wednesday, 13 April 2011 11:05 'A closer look at the attempt by North Carolina legislators to criminalize anything other than state sponsored health care is quite revealing. Below is the bill text, sort of, with some observations about the language, or lack thereof, defining what this bill is actually intended to do. What is apparent is that it is the first step in implementing various aspects of Codex Alimentarius which excludes any health practice not listed in the Codex. Codex specifically targets and intends to end the use of alternative therapies and also vitamins and supplements.' Read more: North Carolina Not the Only State Trying to Criminalize Alternative Health Services
It's tough to comprehend when your belief system shatters
The world's not like we thought it was. Reality's not what it seems
What we've been conditioned to perceive. It's like a dream
But the world is waking up. People are actually starting to notice
And understand that everyone alive's a part of this whole process
Politicians don't run the world, bankers do
The situation's obvious but we never think it through
The BBC, CNN all the daily papers
Just propaganda tools for the real decision-makers
The presidents, prime ministers and chancellors are puppets
And Obama's no different, people. Some say the biggest muppet
They keep up the illusion that we're free and play their role
Spouting what they're told to say as the teleprompter rolls
The New World Order tiptoes on, bankers enslave and rape us
But it's Jordan's tits and Rooney 's fee that makes the front page of the papers'
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Posted by
Britannia Radio