Sunday, 22 May 2011

Banksters, Pranksters and Sandy Hell Holes
Anyone who watches the news has heard about the rape charges filed against Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and rumored to be the French Socialist Party's favorite to replace Nicolas Sarkozy as President of France. Beyond the sensationalist rape charges, however, are you aware of why this is an important story? Dominique Strauss-Kahn (DSK, as he is called by the mainstream media) should be better known for ulterior motives involving the.....
by Marilyn Barnewall

Recipe for Revolution: Mobilizing for Social Transformation, Part 2
Today, the persistent weed of communism springs instinctively from these four stubborn seeds: (1) the Fabian Socialist Society, (2) the Frankfort Schools, (3) Antonio Gramsci, and (4) radical feminism—the first two of which were discussed in Part 1. In review, the Fabian Socialist Society picked up where Karl Marx left off by advancing social reform via evolution versus revolution. Next, a German school that initially consisted of dissident Marxists, the Frankfort School laid claim to public education and the media........
by Debra Rae

The Religious Right uniting with Religious Renegades
False teachers have made their mark on the Church by marketing a user-friendly “relevant” Christianity that is a whole lot more palatable to the unchurched “seeker” than the Christianity of the Reformers. Admittedly, even to the discerning believer truth laced with false teaching is as tough to detect as a few drops of arsenic in a tall glass of water. Some apostates are so sly that the average Christian in the pew is defenseless against them. But, thankfully, not everyone is taken in by them......
by Marsha West

Defining America’s Exceptionalism, Part 3
>From the 1600’s the principles that were set out in the Constitution had been preached from the pulpit. The principles of property ownership were preached from the pulpit. The idea of the people limiting government and having a government of the people, by the people, and for the people was preached from the pulpit. All of the grievances listed in the Declaration of Independence were preached from the pulpit as factions of a society that was detrimental to society. The pastors were the leaders of towns and villages. The church was the center of activity......
by Pastor Roger Anghis

Senate Votes to Boost FDA Police Powers With GOPs Help
Senate Passes Stealth Food-Safety Crime Bill:
WASHINGTON – Republican senators joined Democrats last month in passing an under-the-radar measure, authored by Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), to add more “teeth” to existing food law. On April 14, as Congress prepared to adjourn for a two-week recess, the Senate quietly approved S. 216: The Food Safety Accountability Act of 2011, legislation that would expand the reach of the Food and Drug Administration over food shipped across state lines, by enabling federal prosecutors to seek steep fines.......
by NWV News

Judicial Insanity in Indiana
Recently, a rather shocking “judicial opinion” was handed down by a bare majority of the Indiana Supreme Court, to the effect that it is supposedly illegal under Indiana’s “public policy” for any individual to resist an unlawful search, seizure, arrest, or other assault or detention by rogue law-enforcement officers (or, presumably, any other rogue public officials purporting to enforce, but actually violating, the law). Many people are rightly concerned that this decision will.......
by Dr. Edwin Vieira JD

New navy Homosexual Love Boat to be Named for Cesar Chavez?
First, the New U.S. Navy is being "transformed" by Obama through its new politically correct post-Don't Ask/Don't Tell policy embracing open homosexuality on what were formally war ships, even to the point of the New Navy having announced that Navy Chaplains would perform pseudo-marriage ceremonies for homosexuals in Navy Chapels – quickly "susppended" (not withdrawn) following a national outcry......
by Attorney Rees Lloyd

Why Pupils Need Real Science, Not 'Junk Science'
In visiting an ailing, 88-year-old relative at a nursing home last week, I saw an up-close-and-personal example of how most Americans, especially young adults, have zero handle on basic science. It was a small problem, but one with big results for the well-being of the patient, who was unable to make use of a “call cord” hooked up to a switch which alerted the nursing station that a bedridden resident needed help. Repeatedly advised to use the call cord when.....
by Beverly Eakman