Pamela Hall's coverage of the anti-Obama pro-Israel rally in NYC:
May 20, 2011. Pro Israel supporters gathered at the Israeli Consulate in NYC waving flags and holding signs. The came to oppose Obama’s actions in support of terrorists like Hamas and his betrayal of Israel, the only Democracy in the Middle East.
A number of major Jewish organizations, including the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), RAJE, Jewish Action Alliance, among others, gathered at Second Avenue and 42nd St to protest President Obama’s suicidal call that Israel should retreat to the indefensible 1967 borders.
Obama endorsed Palestinians’ demand for their own state based on the pre-1967 borders. The break with longstanding U.S. policy is a grave danger to Israel.
Democrat NY State Assemblyman, Dov Hikind came out in support of Israel, NOT Obama.
He made some very important statements to the press, very clear criticisms of the Obama betrayal. (see video from approx 00:42 to 5:08 ) Hikind also said that even though he was a Democrat he will not be able to support this President for re-election.
This same NY Fox reporter left Hikind and asked supporter, Hillary Markowitz, “Why not give them back the land so there will be peace?” (was she on automatic pilot?) Markowitz deftly replied (5:22 to approx 5:58), “After the Oslo Accord there were territories that were offered in peace and what did we get? The intifada, where thousands of people were injured and killed by terrorism. For the President, giving back land doesn’t bring peace. You need a Peace Partner who recognizes Israel’s right to exist. Giving back land does nothing…”
Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu are meeting Friday in Washington, DC. He is the most hostile president to Israel ever and this move will only cause more Arab terrorism.
As Prime Minister Netanyahu stated, these borders are “militarily indefensible.” It’s necessary to remember what Abba Eban said when he served as Israel’s Foreign Minister (when he appeared at the United Nations following the Six Day War) he described the fragility of Israel’s 1949-1967 map as Israel’s “Auschwitz” lines ,” said Rabbi Mordechai Tokarsky,Director of RAJE (Russian American Jewish Experience).
ZOA President Morton A. Klein said, “President Obama has severely harmed Israel’s interests and America’s interests. Today, we are ashamed of and frightened by America’s policy regarding Israel. President Obama is the most hostile president to Israel ever. “
YET, as always, the Neturei Karta didn’t miss a chance to throw Israel ‘under the Bus” (along with President Obama) chanting,“Down, Down the Heretic, Terrorist State of Israel”. Through ignorance or malice, either way it was a sickening display.
They handed me this flyer (click to enlarge to easier reading)
As they waved that Flag of Hatred representing Death to the Jewish State and her People: Disgusting. Foolish. Suicidal.
But, back in front of the Israeli Consulate, thankfully the chants of those who support Freedom and Democracy rang through the air : “We Stand With Israel, Don’t Reward Terrorism and Obama Must Go !”
Am Yisrael Chai!
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 12:24 AM | Permalink | Comments (13) ShareThis
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Anti-jihad legislation passed the Tennessee house last night by a huge majority. The "material support" bill is now on the floor of the State Senate -- Hamas-tied CAIR must be whipping out the litigation arsenal. Muslim Brotherhood US arm CAIR railed against this counter-terror bill (of course) and intimidated people to stop the passage of Tennessee’s “Material Support to Designated Entities Act of 2011":
House Bill 1353 and Senate Bill 1028. The twin bills, aimed at providing a powerful counterterrorism tool to state and local law enforcement by allowing for civil and/or criminal penalties against anyone providing material support or resources to terrorist organizations, have gained momentum since their introduction in February.
The bills, criminalizing support of “designated sharia organizations,” closely model federal anti-terrorism designation and material support statutes which have been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court and the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals.
NASHVILLE (AP) - [..] The measure also increases the penalty for knowingly providing "material support" to a designated terrorist group.
Sponsors said the legislation builds on the Terrorism Prevention and Response Act of 2002, which passed the Tennessee General Assembly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The House version was placed behind the budget, meaning it will be revisited if any money is left after the state's budget is set. But sponsors of the legislation expect it to pass this session.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 11:43 AM in Islamic law in America | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis
A Muslim woman shunned by her devout Muslim family for her "shameful" divorce dies a sudden death after "throwing herself on the floor" in front of her family, and it's classified an accident? That's what Florida law enforcement determined. No one was charged in the death of 48-year-old Fatima Abdallah in Florida.
This is the sharia in America. The idea that a woman would die after she "threw herself to the floor" is institutionalised gender apartheid, the sharia. The idea defies logic, belies reality.
Deputy Police Chief Marc Hamlin said, "the bottom line is, no matter how long you investigate and no matter how much you investigate, it's not going to overrule the competent medical evidence that it was an accident." How do they know that? How is it more likely that she threw herself to the floor than she was fatally thrown to the floor?
My hat's off to conservative activist David Caton, who pursued the truth, the evidence. Fatima's death cannot be swept under the rug. This reminds me of the lawsuit that was filed in Dearborn charging that the city was covering up "honor killings."
Muslim woman's death questioned by conservative activist FOX, Tampa Bay
TAMPA - The police evidence photo shows Fatima Abdallah's lifeless body on her brother's new Tampa living room floor. She lived there in a gated subdivision, a private investigator says, with three other Muslim families, shunned and divorced because she could not produce children.
Conservative activist David Caton says he knows what it was.
"This was what you would call an honor killing," he said.
Acting on neighbor tips and the private eye's work, Caton, of the Florida Families Association is pushing police to reopen the case, insisting Abdallah died because her family believed she had dishonored them under Islamic law.
"She was divorced," Caton says, "because she could not have children and was shunned and kept private into the family was not allowed to leave or go places."
Yet the Hillsborough Medical Examiner ruled the 48-year-old Abdallah's death was an accident, that during an argument with her mother, she threw herself to the floor, smashing her face into a coffee table, and dying of a brain hemorrhage.
Deputy Police Chief Marc Hamlin telling FOX13, "the bottom line is, no matter how long you investigate and no matter how much you investigate, its not going to overrule the competent medical evidence that it was an accident."
Police across the country have been investigating so-called honor killings, where women and girls die at their own family's hands for dishonoring them under Islamic law.
In Clayton County, outside Atlanta, police say Sandella Rashid was choked to death because she'd divorced the Pakistani man he'd arranged for her to marry. Said Detective Mike Christian, "he told us that he had killed his daughter that he didn't not want the family dishonored by divorce".
Closer to home, Caton says the closing of Abdallah's death case is proof to him that Islamic law is affecting how Florida's laws are enforced.
"Islamization of this country is the greatest threat to our way of life, our American way of life as we know it today," he says.
Islamic activists insist religion is not to blame, says Maliq Saheed of the Pakistan American Society.
"This is personal, it's sickness, it's depression, or it's family problems. His aggressiveness or anything he did he did to her personally, this is not related with the Muslims or not related to the Islam," Saheed said.
Yeah, right, Saheed, and Islam is a religion of peace.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 10:48 AM | Permalink | Comments (18) ShareThis
Abe Foxman (whom consistently sides with the enemies of the Jewish people) is worse than a kapo. The kapos had the nazi gun to their heads. The traitor, OTOH, has no excuse for putting the Jews on the train. How the membership of the ADL doesn't kick him out on his keyster is beyond me.
One wonders why Foxman even bothers with this dangerous fool’s errand. Obama has associated with antisemites and Palestinian jihad sympathizers throughout his political career, such that the Jews and supporters of Israel who voted for him in 2008 should be in full backpedal mode by now, apologizing for their earlier support for this clear enemy of Israel and dedicating themselves to defeating him in 2012.
But apparently Foxman’s pride is more important to him than the survival of Israel as the Jewish homeland and the sole bulwark of freedom and human rights in the Middle East. And so instead of renouncing his earlier support for Obama and taking a stand for Israel when that embattled country needs it the most, he has opted to pretend that Obama’s statement really wasn’t all that bad, and that Jews and all supporters of Israel should relax and keep on loving Barack Hussein Obama.
“I don’t see this as the president throwing Israel under the bus,” Foxman told Greg Sargent of the Washington Post. “He’s saying with `swaps.’ It’s not 1967 borders in the abstract. It’s not an edict. It’s a recommendation of a structure for negotiations.”
Foxman was referring to Obama’s statement that “the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states.”
Foxman apparently believes that Obama’s statement about “the 1967 lines” is the core of the problem that those who are appalled by Obama’s speech have with it – thus his emphasis that “it’s not an edict,” but simply a “recommendation.” He added that “there is a danger that the 1967 marker, which was always there but has never been stated so directly, may become this year’s settlements issue.” But, he repeated, “it’s not an edict — it’s not what he did with settlements.”
In this Foxman overlooked what most mainstream media reports about Obama’s speech also overlooked: that he wasn’t calling for a return to the pre-Six Day War borders at all, but to new borders “based on the 1967 lines,” and creating “two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine.”
This would be even worse for Israel than a return to the 1967 lines. A Palestinian state that bordered on Israel, Jordan and Egypt while Israel bordered only on Palestine would mean a substantially reduced Israel, having been forced to cede much of its core territory to the Palestinian Arabs in exchange for the chimera of peace with what are in fact implacable and unappeasable jihadis. Abraham Foxman should have learned from the disastrous aftermath of Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza that territorial concessions to the Palestinian jihadis do not bring peace and never will bring peace. Instead, Foxman declared Friday that Obama’s speech “indicated to me that this administration has come a long way in better understanding and appreciating the difficulties facing both parties, but especially Israel in trying to make peace with the Palestinians.”
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu disagreed. Meeting with Obama at the White House on Friday, he emphasized that “while Israel is prepared to make generous compromises for peace … it cannot go back to 1967 lines, because these lines are indefensible.” Netanyahu didn’t say it, but clearly he was not going to accept anything worse than the 1967 lines, either....
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 10:04 AM in Jewicidal Jews, Dhimmi, Leftard and Democrat, Jewish Lay Leadership: Neo Kapos | Permalink | Comments (21)ShareThis
Check out this article in the well circulated Arab News. Clearly the Muslim world thinks America has abandoned Israel and that she is on the ropes. Here they are demanding that Obama enforce his final solution for Israel, "the rogue regime." Rife with filthy lies: "Israel continues to get away with murder." The Muslims smell blood and understand that Obama is working for them. They want action.
Let actions speak... Arab News (hat tip Rut)So what’s it going to be: Israeli chutzpah or Barack Obama’s audacity of hope?
Predictably, Israel’s Netanyahu has lost no time in trashing President Barack Obama’s call for a “viable Palestine” along the 1967 borders. The Israeli PM has virtually rubbed Obama’s nose in, dismissing the borders that existed between Israel and its Arab neighbors before the war in 1967 as “indefensible.”
Well, nothing new here. The more things change around it, the more they remain the same for the ever-irrepressible and intransigent State of Israel. No matter who is in charge, Israeli’s obstinacy remains constant. Interestingly, Netanyahu’s rejection of the reasonable appeal from Israel’s most trusted ally comes hours before his high-profile US visit.
The Israeli leader can certainly count on a red carpet welcome and a firm handshake at the White House and endless, almost obsequious applause at the joint session of Congress that he is scheduled to address. And after all this adulation and glorification, a smug Netanyahu will go home once again, having successfully shrugged off Obama’s diffident attempts to introduce a semblance of balance in US engagement with the Middle East.
And, of course, the status quo will continue with the Palestinians forever stuck in the hell that is their existence and their plight radicalizing generations of Arabs and Muslims. Meanwhile, the yawning gulf between the West and Arab-Islamic world on account of Israel will further expand as the US fights disastrous, trillion-dollar wars in Muslim lands.
It doesn’t have to end this way. Obama’s State Department speech on Thursday has been widely welcomed around the world, although skepticism and open derision greeted it in the Middle East, the region that matters the most. Which is hardly surprising. After all, all those fine speeches by this US leader — or by his numerous predecessors for that matter — haven’t led us anywhere.
Israel continues to get away with murder, even as it refuses to give up the Palestinian and Arab lands it has occupied after every successive war of aggression. For seven decades, the world has watched in helplessness or indifference as an indigenous people are imprisoned and tormented in their own land. And the credit for this affairs goes to the West, especially its leader. Things wouldn’t have come this far without America’s blind and unquestioning support to Israel and its apathy to Israeli crimes against Palestinian people. Again, things on this front will change only if the US is serious and willing to deliver on its peace rhetoric and makes Israel fall in line.
There is only one and simple way of judging Obama’s sincerity and commitment to peace in the Middle East: action. It is time to qualify and follow up all that grandiloquence with real and concrete results on the ground. After all, the proof of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating.
Israel’s intransigence using its powerful friends in high places and fabled clout in the US establishment to have its way is unsurprising. The question is, how the US leadership deals with the obstinacy of its so-called ally and friend. We cannot believe that the reigning superpower is incapable of asserting itself vis-Ã -vis a rogue regime that survives on its aid and constant protection, if it puts its mind to it. It’s about time the world community put its foot down and tell Israel: Enough is enough and it’s time to behave. So what’s it going to be? Israel’s chutzpah or Obama’s audacity of hope?
Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 08:44 AM | Permalink | Comments (39) ShareThis
Friday, May 20, 2011
Sorry for the late Friday night music open thread, but I have been traveling and was speaking today in DC at the CNP; just back at machine.
Tonight I am showcasing that genius on the keys, Art Tatum, doing "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes." This one is dedicated to Obama -- blowing smoke.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, May 20, 2011 at 11:00 PM in Art that speaks to me | Permalink | Comments (5) ShareThis
Much needed. Schooling the delinquent.
Watch the post-American president's face as Netanyahu politely and coolly dismantles him.
But Obama, unsurprisingly, doesn't seem to have gotten the message. "Israel's Netanyahu rejects Obama proposal on borders," by Jeffrey Heller and Matt Spetalnick for Reuters, May 20:
(Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu bluntly told President Barack Obama on Friday his vision for the borders of a future Palestinian state would leave the Jewish state with an "indefensible" frontier.Netanyahu's remarks after the White House talks underscored how a new U.S. push for Middle East peace had opened one of the deepest divides in years in relations between the United States and close ally Israel.
"Peace based on illusions will crash eventually on the rocks of Middle East reality," an unsmiling Netanyahu told Obama in the Oval Office.
Netanyahu told Obama that Israel was willing to make compromises for peace but flatly rejected the idea of going back to 1967 borders, which he described as "indefensible."
Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Obama said he reiterated the peace "principles" he laid out on Thursday in policy speech on Middle East political upheaval....
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, May 20, 2011 at 10:05 PM in Obama: Lethal for Israel | Permalink | Comments (100) ShareThis
DAY 60
Today is the 60th day, and Obama must get Congressional approval to continue the war in Libya. The war he consulted no one about, the war he did not go to Congress on, the tyrant's war. Remember the hoops Bush jumped through for a year to get congressional and UN approval, and still they raked him over the coals.
What spin will the emperor put on this? Does he dare ignore the Constitution? He makes a habit of it. Nothing new there. This is the most criminal administration ever foisted upon America.
Lawmakers largely silent on war powers authority in Libya The Hill (hat tip Van)
U.S. operations in Libya hit the 60-day mark Friday, but Congress has grown largely silent on the administration’s unilateral intervention into the war-torn North African nation.
The 1973 War Powers Act (WPA) — the statute President Obama invoked when he launched forces in March — requires presidents to secure congressional approval for military operations within 60 days, or withdraw forces within the next 30.
The Post American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, May 20, 2011 at 02:55 PM in Obama's Shadow Government, Obama: Post American Immorality | Permalink | Comments (28) ShareThis
Today, freedom lovers left their jobs, did without lunch and rallied in front of the Israeli consulate to show solidarity with Israel after Obama told the Jewish state to go to hell yesterday.
Unlike the community organizers on the professional left, we do not have a mobile movement, bodies that show up, like Al Awda, ANSWER coalition, SEIU, MAS, MSA, etc. No Soros funded machine of subversion. These were people, individuals who followed their conscious and love of freedom to stand up and against the ethnic cleansing policies of a tyrannical President gone mad.
Photos, thanks to MM. Check back for Pamela Hall's comprehensive coverage.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, May 20, 2011 at 02:30 PM | Permalink | Comments (35) ShareThis
Not only was the imam to the 911 Muslim terrorists, Anwar Awlaki, the go-to imam whom the media went to for all things Islam,having dinner at the Pentagon, he was lunching there as well. Devout Muslim Awlaki also provided succor and Islamic spiritual guidance to the Fort Hood jihadi, the Christmas balls bomber, and the Times Square deadly car bomber -- and that's what we know of.
Who is the lawyer that let an Al-Qaeda terrorist into the Pentagon? The answer to this question should be in the FOIA request I made to the Department of Justice months ago, which they are, of course, stalling on.
J. Christian Adams over at PJM:
Fox News has this blockbuster story on American Al-Qaeda Imam being invited to a lunch in 2002 inside the Pentagon. Despite ties to three of the 9-11 hijackers, and arrests for soliciting a prostitute, the Pentagon’s office of general counsel found Anwar al-Awlaki a suitable person to make a presentation to top brass on Islam and Middle East culture.
The story notes:
A former high-ranking FBI agent told Fox News that at the time Awlaki went to lunch at the Pentagon, there was tremendous “arrogance” about the vetting process at the Pentagon.
“They vetted people politically and showed indifference toward security and intelligence advice of others,” the former agent said.
But one single person seems to be responsible for this mess, a female lawyer in the Office of General Counsel who was responsible for vetting al-Awlaki:
The Defense Department lawyer who vetted the imam wrote that she “had the privilege of hearing one of Mr. Awlaki’s presentations in November and was impressed by both the extent of his knowledge and by how he communicated that information and handled a hostile element in the audience.”
The story does not reveal the identity of the culpable lawyer. If ever there was a time for accountability, this is it.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, May 20, 2011 at 01:39 PM in Infiltration, Pentagon Islamic Infiltration | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis
Photo courtesy of Glennbeck.com:
August 24th in Jerusalem. I will be there -- will you? Stand with those on the global frontlines of the jihad. Stand with those who stand for life, liberty and individual rights, the sole, tiny beacon of enlightenment, civilization, technology, medicine, modern science, math, human advancement, and human rights fighting an enemy with one of the least developed cultures, base, primitive with no value for human life, a slaughterhouse.
I am going to try to arrange for the Aqsa Parvez Memorial Grove to be unveiled/inaugurated in American Independence Park in Jerusalem at the same time. Start booking your flights.
I have written to the JNF asking that the grove and the plaque be up the week of the 24th.
Beck Announces When & Where for ‘Restoring Courage’ Event in Jerusalem
On his radio program Friday morning, Glenn Beck revealed more details about the event he will be holding this summer in Jerusalem.The “Restoring Courage” event will take place August 24th at the excavation site at the Southern Wall of the Temple Mount.
Tickets for the primary location there are very limited. Only 600 are being made available to listeners in the United States. Only two tour operators have been designated to handle the the tickets and travel packages. You can find them, and more details on the event, by clicking here.
Posted by Pamela Geller on Friday, May 20, 2011 at 11:32 AM | Permalink | Comments (12) ShareThis
South Park censored (Comedy Central)"We're commanded to terrorize the disbelievers," Younus Abdullah Mohammad told Griffin. "The Quran says very clearly in the Arabic language ... this means 'terrorize them.' It's a command from Allah."
As Muslims whine about non-existent hate crimes .......... their war on the infidels, free speech, and freedom of expression rages on. Dare to speak about or expose the ideology that inspires these warmongers, and you are a racistislamophobicantimuslimbigot.
Muslim convert charged with threats to 'South Park' creators CNN
(CNN) -- Federal authorities are using words uttered by the co-founder of a radical Islamic group to charge him with threats against the creators of "South Park."
A criminal complaint alleging the communication of threats was filed in Virginia late last week against Jesse Curtis Morton, also known as Younus Abdullah Mohammad.
A senior law enforcement source Thursday told CNN, which interviewed Morton in 2009, that the suspect is believed to be in Morocco, where he maintains Islampolicy.com, an English-language website propagating pro al Qaeda views.
That website is a successor to Revolutionmuslim.com.
Morton, a former resident of Brooklyn, New York, is the second person charged in the "South Park" case.
In February, Zachary Adam Chesser, 21, who admitted to posting online threats, was sentenced to 25 years in prison.
Chesser, a Muslim convert, encouraged violent jihadists to attack "South Park" writers for an episode that depicted the Prophet Mohammed in a bear suit, court documents said.
Chesser posted online messages that included the writers' home addresses and urged online readers to "pay them a visit," the documents said.
In an affidavit accompanying the recent complaint against Morton, FBI special agent Paula R. Menges said Morton, co-founder of the group called Revolution Muslim, worked with Chesser on a "clarification statement" after Chesser's postings. The pair made website postings that were -- despite their claims -- threats, Menges said.
The agent also contends the statement contained pages of justification under Islamic law for the death of those who insult Islam or defame its prophet.
Revolution Muslim's 2008 co-founders, Yousef al-Khattab and Morton, were both interviewed by CNN's Drew Griffin in October 2009. In the interview Morton, a convert to Islam and one-time follower of the Grateful Dead, defended the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and argued that further attacks on Americans were justified.
He told Griffin he did not encourage violence on U.S. soil.
The government affidavit cites the CNN interview.
"We're commanded to terrorize the disbelievers," Morton told Griffin. "The Quran says very clearly in the Arabic language ... this means 'terrorize them.' It's a command from Allah."
In April 2010, Revolutionmuslim.com posted an entry that included a warning to "South Park" creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone that they risked violent retribution after the 200th episode of the cartoon series included a satirical discussion about whether an image of the prophet could be shown. In the end, he was portrayed disguised in a bear suit.
"We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid," the posting on Revolutionmuslim.com says, "and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show. This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them."
Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh was stabbed to death on a street in Amsterdam, Netherlands, by an Islamic extremist in 2004. He became the target of radical Muslims after releasing a short film about oppression of Islamic women in Europe.