Sunday, 22 May 2011


Choudray axed from Indy festival

Friday, 20th May 2011

After a formal complaint from Christine Williams, the local UKIP spokesman, the Independent newspaper -sponsored HowTheLightGetsIn festival in Hay-on-Wye described as "the world’s largest philosophy and music festival" has withdrawn their invitation to Anjem Choudray the radical Muslim... More

UKIP welcomes Libertarian Party members

Thursday, 19th May 2011

Following news of the proposed deregistration of the Libertarian Party of the UK, UKIP Executive Chairman Steve Crowther has said that the party will extend a warm welcome to former LPUK members who wish to join or rejoin UKIP. More

Why I jumped Tory ship for UKIP

Monday, 16th May 2011

Paul Oakley a London barrister, former Young Conservative Chairman for London and Parliamentary candidate joined UKIP on Saturday at the Rally Against Debt. More

Ramsey picks a new UKIP Mayor

Friday, 13th May 2011

After securing nine of the 17 seats on Ramsey Town Council in Cambridgeshire, UKIP was last night able to elect Lisa Duffy as Mayor.More

Greek F1 track funding blasted

Thursday, 12th May 2011

UKIP has today condemned Greece's decision to approve plans to build a Formula One track near the western port of Patras. The project has an estimated cost of 94 million euros ($135 million) and will be part subsidised by the Greek state. More

UKIP poll results confound critics

Wednesday, 11th May 2011

Key figures from the May 5 polls show UKIP has made significant electoral advances since 2007 and 2010. More

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Celebrate the diversity of culture

Thursday, 12th May 2011

UKIP MEP Derek Clark says the EU should not be looking to homogenise all European cultures, but to celebrate their separate identities. More

Where's the EU-Japan trade treaty

Thursday, 12th May 2011

The non-existence of an EU-Japan trade treaty, while a non-EU country like Switzerland has had one in place for two years, is confirmation yet again that Britain would be better left to negotiation its own trade deals, says UKIP MEP William Dartmouth. More

National debt 'an absolute disgrace'

Thursday, 12th May 2011

UKIP's outspoken MEP Godfrey Bloom pulls no punches as he adopts clear logic in explaining the problems of national debt. More

EU red tape strangling SMEs

Wednesday, 11th May 2011

With the ongoing collapse of the Eurozone, UKIP MEP Derek Clark asks what opportunities the EU can offer to small and medium enterprises. More

EU deals undermine members' trade

Wednesday, 11th May 2011

The EU's trade deals with non-EU countries undermines the import/export efforts of its own member states, says UKIP MEP John Bufton. More

Lobbyist register won't stop the vultures

Wednesday, 11th May 2011

UKIP MEP Stuart Agnew says the new transparency register will change little as lobbyists will always find ways to circumvent it. More

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