Sunday, 22 May 2011

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing power of the European Union in Brussels and the excesses of mad officialdom.


Wales in revolt over mammoth wind farm scheme

The Welsh Assembly's plans to install 800 giant wind turbines in mid-Wales make no economic sense, says Christopher Booker.

21 May 2011

The talk of David Cameron's leadership qualities obscures the mess he's leading us into

As pundits chatter of Cameron's greatness, Britain's national debt spirals out of control and it has no workable energy policy, says Christopher Booker.

21 May 2011

Vicky Haigh saves her baby from the clutches of the social workers

A British woman has given birth in Ireland to stop Nottinghamshire social workers from seizing her child, says Christopher Booker.

21 May 2011

A judge attacks my 'one-sided' child protection stories - but it cuts both ways

The judgment that Mr Justice Bellamy has published makes for illuminating reading, and not just for its attack on me, says Christopher Booker.

14 May 2011

The police hunt is on for Vicky Haigh, though she is not a 'missing person'

Former jockey and trainer Vicky Haigh was surprised to discover that she had been declared a 'missing person' by 'her' social worker, writes Christopher Booker.

07 May 2011

Shale gas could solve the world's energy problems

It's anathema to environmentalists, but shale gas is a new fossil-fuel source that could power the world for centuries, says Christopher Booker.

07 May 2011

The farce of an AV referendum ignored the point of who really governs us

The voting system is not the flaw in our 'democracy': it's the abdication of our powers to unelected politicians in Brussels, says Christopher Booker.

07 May 2011

Vicky Haigh flees the babysnatchers

Using parliamentary privilege, John Hemming MP has named renowned jockey and trainer Vicky Haigh as the woman threatened with imprisonment for speaking to him, writes Christopher Booker.

30 Apr 2011

Politicians hide their plans to put French jets on Royal Navy carriers

The Royal Navy won't be flying Anglo-US Joint Strike Fighters, but providing a platform for French Rafales as part of an EU force, writes Christopher Booker.

30 Apr 2011

Neil Herron, Metric Martyr campaigner, took on the parking enforcers for me

A veteran campaigner, Neil Herron of Metric Martyrs fame has turned his attention to parking law, writes Christopher Booker.

30 Apr 2011

A parish church where the Easter Alleluias are only echoes of the past

Perhaps for the first time in a thousand years, the village church will be empty on Easter Sunday, writes Christopher Booker.

23 Apr 2011

The AV referendum scandal that calls for a 'No'

The scandal over the funding of the 'Yes' campaign in the AV referendum reveals the effrontery of our political class, says Christopher Booker.

23 Apr 2011

New figures show the lights may go out sooner than we thought

Our coal-fired power stations are closer to extinction than predicted, and wind power stubbornly refuses to fill the gap, says Christopher Booker.

23 Apr 2011

The judge has forbidden anyone to tell me what he wanted me to hear

The secrecy of the family courts system has reached a bizarre new extreme, says Christopher Booker.

23 Apr 2011