Appointing the next IMF boss from Western Europe would be a mistake of historic proportions – not least given the extent to which the centre of economic gravity has now shifted to the emerging markets of the east. 21 May 2011 Between January and March, we now know, the UK economy grew only 0.5pc. 14 May 2011 The commodities market has just experienced a hair-raising "flash crash" sell-off. 07 May 2011 Last week, Ben Bernanke suggested that the US base interest rate will stay close to zero for an "extended period". It's been there since December 2008. 30 Apr 2011 So let me get this straight. The Standard and Poor's rating agency last week took the historic step of putting the US government's AAA credit rating on "negative watch". 23 Apr 2011Liam Halligan
Liam Halligan's column tackles head on the key issues facing the
British and global economy.
Strauss-Kahn failed to get eurozone to face up to its predicament
Spectre of stagflation reappears as the excesses of QE hit home
Allowing Doha to fail is an economic and political mistake
America's reckless money-printing could put the world back into crisis
America appears to be sleepwalking towards disaster – does no one care?
Sunday, 22 May 2011
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Britannia Radio