Brussels is expected this week to unveil the details of its €78bn (£69bn) rescue for Portugal as it attempts to hammer out a second emergency package for Greece. 14 May 2011 Between January and March, we now know, the UK economy grew only 0.5pc. 14 May 2011 The sovereign debt crisis threatening Greece has a clear cause and a clear solution. 14 May 2011 One of the surprising things about last week’s Inflation Report was its lack of impact. 14 May 2011 Restructuring Greece's debt would damage the embattled country and the eurozone as a whole, Jurgen Stark, one of Europe's most senior banking officials, has warned. 14 May 2011 Fears Britain is stuck in Europe's 'slow lane' as growth rate is beaten by bailed-out Greece and left far behind Germany and France. 14 May 2011 US consumer prices have risen 0.4pc on higher food and energy prices, after increasing 0.5pc in March. Here, we look at what caused some of the biggest inflation rises and falls in history. 13 May 2011 US consumer prices have risen 0.4pc on higher food and energy prices, after increasing 0.5pc in March. Here, we look at the world's largest economy in detail. 13 May 2011 US consumer prices have risen 0.4pc on higher food and energy prices, after increasing 0.5pc in March. Here, several top economists give their verdict on the latest figures from the world's largest economy. 13 May 2011 Global economic uncertainty and anxiety over Europe's debt crisis saw US stock markets tumble nearly 1pc on Friday, as investors fretted over what Greece’s deteriorating finances mean for the future of the euro. 13 May 2011 Households suffer worst drop in their income in the past year since 1981, Institute for Fiscal Studies says. 13 May 2011 Europe's powerhouse economies grew faster than expected in the first three months of the year, leaving Britain in the dust even as new figures suggested the UK's struggling construction sector is not doing quite as badly as thought. 13 May 2011 Construction companies reacted with disbelief when the Office for National Statistics said the industry had contracted 4.7pc in the first quarter of 2011. Now that the ONS has revised that fall to 4pc, they are still in disbelief. 13 May 2011 The eurozone economy accelerated in the first quarter of 2011, expanding by 0.8pc with strong growth in Germany and France. This is how economists reacted to the figures: 13 May 2011 Interactive Business Bullet: Strong growth for Germany and France. 13 May 2011 Europe's leaders are hoping the man dubbed "Super Mario" can match the abilities of his Nintendo namesake after he was this week effectively promised the European Central Bank's top job. 13 May 2011 How past recessions have affected economic growth in the UK, and how it will recover from the latest dip in growth, according to the NIESR. 13 May 2011 The threat of recession has gone, but the UK's recovery remains fragile with the economy growing just 0.3pc in the three months to the end of April, says think tank Niesr. 13 May 2011 Households have suffered the most significant drop in their income in the past year since 1981, the Institute for Fiscal Studies has suggested. 12 May 2011 US retail sales saw their smallest increase in April since last summer's slowdown, suggesting that the sharp rises in food and petrol prices are denting Americans' spending power. 12 May 2011 No 10's measures to tackle youth unemployment don't give much cause for hope, argues Jeremy Warner. 12 May 2011 President Bill Clinton once described homes as something Americans "will always know that their country wanted them to have because they were entitled to it as part of the American dream". 12 May 2011 A second commodities sell-off in less than a week sent global stock markets down sharply on Thursday as investor took fright at slowing growth in China, rising inflation and sluggish Western growth. 12 May 2011 British economic growth slowed to 0.3pc in the three months to April from 0.5pc in the three months to March, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research said. 12 May 2011 Industrial output rose less than expected in March, pouring cold water on hopes Britain's economic growth this year will be supported by strong manufacturing exports. 12 May 2011ECONOMICS NEWS
EU to unveil Greece and Portugal bail-outs
Spectre of stagflation reappears as the excesses of QE hit home
Greek debt restructuring: delay is the deadliest form of denial
Why a tight belt is the best way to strangle inflation
Greek debt restructuring 'massively harmful'
Brussels cuts its forecast for UK growth
Famous inflation rises and falls
US economy: in graphs
US inflation rises: analyst reaction
Dow sheds 1pc as inflation rises
Families have lost £500 in 12 months
UK growth lags behind German and French
'We still don't believe it" says construction industry
Eurozone growth surprises: reaction
Lloyd's £2bn disaster hit
Can 'Super' Mario Draghi save the euro?
UK economic profile of recession and recovery
New warning over UK's fragile recovery
IFS: families have lost £500 over last 12 months
US retail sales hit by food and petrol rises
A scandal that the PM will struggle to shake off
The housing crash will be short-lived for America's politicians
Fresh commodities sell-off hit stock markets
UK recovery slows, but no double dip
UK industrial output misses forecasts
Sunday, 15 May 2011
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Britannia Radio