Sunday, 15 May 2011

Liam Halligan

Liam Halligan

Liam Halligan's column tackles head on the key issues facing the British and global economy.

Click here to find out more!


Spectre of stagflation reappears as the excesses of QE hit home

Between January and March, we now know, the UK economy grew only 0.5pc.

14 May 2011

Allowing Doha to fail is an economic and political mistake

The commodities market has just experienced a hair-raising "flash crash" sell-off.

07 May 2011

America's reckless money-printing could put the world back into crisis

Last week, Ben Bernanke suggested that the US base interest rate will stay close to zero for an "extended period". It's been there since December 2008.

30 Apr 2011

America appears to be sleepwalking towards disaster – does no one care?

So let me get this straight. The Standard and Poor's rating agency last week took the historic step of putting the US government's AAA credit rating on "negative watch".

23 Apr 2011

The BRIC countries’ Hainan summit could make the G20 redundant

The West’s political and financial elite is still a very long way from grasping the extent to which the global centre of economic gravity is now shifting – and the implications in terms of relative and absolute living standards.

16 Apr 2011

Why fences, walls and other myths cannot save us from bankers' risks

The "Independent Commission on Banking" has been charged with recommending reforms to our banking sector that protect the UK's "financial stability". This is vital.

09 Apr 2011

The US recovery is little more than an economic 'sugar-rush'

Guess what! America is on the mend. That’s right, the world’s biggest economy is now forging ahead, escaping its sub-prime malaise. Or maybe not.

02 Apr 2011