Sunday, 15 May 2011

I have searched my own soul long and hard on this, and I still do not know quite what I would have done if a social service apparatchik had stolen my children. It is a question, mercifully, most of us do not have to confront. Thus, we can be level, responsible and "adult" about it, old chap. We wouldn't want to get emotional about such things, would we? It just isn't done.

Thus, I can't even begin to appreciate the sort of hell that this couple are going through, the pair that have their nightmare described by Booker this week. They are better people than I, because if it had been me, I don't think Judge Bellamy would still be breathing.

But what makes this issue the embodiment of evil is that the very issues this idiot judge is now addressing were dealt with, six years ago. They were resolved properly and what should have been finally, but for the stupidity of this judge.

Of course, dealing with stupid people is one of the crosses we have to bear in life, but when stupid people also have very great power, that is especially hard to bear. But then, Bellamy is a judge, so we must not denigrate him. We must not point out that he is stupid.

We must be level, responsible, calm, "rational", even "adult" about him, old chap. And it simply doesn't do to threaten violence, or even imply that violence might be used, or should be used, or anything remotely like that. That is the reserve of the state. And that lives are being destroyed is not our concern. Bite your tongue, smile sweetly, and look the other way.

Then read Booker and weep, for the nation we once thought we knew and know no more.


According to Iain Dale, in The Guardian, the independent political blogosphere has gone into terminal decline ever since Iain Dale stopped giving us his daily dose of wisdom. To "prove" the point, Dale lists some of the blogs that have recently gone into decline or disappeared.

Predictably, he doesn't mention EUReferendum, even though we are an independent political blog. Our sin must be that we're doing quite nicely, thank you very much. That doesn't fit his narrative. Dale wants "his" blogosphere to have come a cropper since he wafted out of our lives. His other problem, of course, is that we're not a member of his claque. He and the many like him, to say nothing of the MSM, can't deal with that. So they largely ignore us. When it comes to being "disappeared", Stalin can't hold a candle to this lot.

Nevertheless, with his own narrative established, the Great Dale tells us he is riding to the rescue. He is starting up a Group Blog, recruiting some of his little mates who couldn't make it on their own. Oddly, Raedwald - another unmentioned political blog that is doing quite well - doesn't seemterribly enthused. "But the new site is more online magazine than blog", huffs Dale. "I have no ambition for it at all".

We can't wait.