Friday, 13 May 2011 09:47
'International Criminal Court warrant expected by end of month, making exile impossible, Italian foreign minister says.'
As I said at the time the 'no-fly zone' to 'protect civilians' was imposed over Libya, the real aim was to get rid of Gaddafi at all costs and they would increase the attacks, pressure and military involvement until that was achieved. This is just another step.
Friday, 13 May 2011 10:22
How much more are Americans going to take?
Bill to allow the 'president' (his masters) to declare war anywhere and anytime he (they) like.
The US Congress has introduced a resolution that would give the US president wide latitude of powers to wage war on other countries as part of the "war on terror."
The fiscal 2012 Defense Authorization bill, sponsored by Howard P. “Buck” McKeon, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee will expand the legal basis for the war on terror and is moving through Congress amid harsh criticism from civil liberties groups, The Washington Times reported on Wednesday.
The proposed legislation clearly states that "the president has the authority to use all necessary and appropriate force during the current armed conflict with al Qaeda, the Taliban, and associated forces pursuant to the authorization for use of military force".'
Friday, 13 May 2011 09:47
'International Criminal Court warrant expected by end of month, making exile impossible, Italian foreign minister says.'
As I said at the time the 'no-fly zone' to 'protect civilians' was imposed over Libya, the real aim was to get rid of Gaddafi at all costs and they would increase the attacks, pressure and military involvement until that was achieved. This is just another step.
Friday, 13 May 2011 09:15
'The active ingredient in marijuana cuts tumor growth in common lung cancer in half and significantly reduces the ability of the cancer to spread, say researchers at Harvard University who tested the chemical in both lab and mouse studies.
They say this is the first set of experiments to show that the compound, Delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), inhibits EGF-induced growth and migration in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expressing non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Lung cancers that over-express EGFR are usually highly aggressive and resistant to chemotherapy.'
Read more: Marijuana Cuts Lung Cancer Tumor Growth in Half, Harvard Study Shows