Sunday, 29 May 2011


Lessons of Netanyahu’s triumph

By Caroline Glick, JPOST

So, just as he was about to board his plane, Netanyahu realized that his mission in the US capital had changed. His job wasn’t to go along to get along. His job was to stop Obama from driving Israel’s relations with the US off a cliff.

Netanyahu was no longer going to Washington to explain where Israel will stand aside. He was going to Washington to explain what Israel stands for. Obama threw down the gauntlet. Netanyahu needed to pick it up by rallying both the Israeli people to his side and rallying the American people to Israel’s side. Both goals, he realized, could only be accomplished by presenting his vision of what Israel is and what it stands for.

And Netanyahu did his job. He did his job brilliantly.

ISRAEL TODAY is the target of an ever escalating campaign to demonize and delegitimize it. Just this week we learned that a dozen towns in Scotland have decided to ban Israeli books from their public libraries. One Scottish town has...

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The NYT again distorts, misleads and misrepresents.

By Ted Belman

The NY Times continues to misrepresent reality in this article but the title The Mideast Peace Process: No Plan for Talks was OK.

    This is the time for bold ideas to salvage Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel did not seize it. In his address to Congress, he showed — once again — that he has no serious appetite for the kind of compromises that are the only way to forge a two-state solution and guarantee both Palestinians their long-denied state and Israel’s long-term security.

Notice how they put the sole onus on Netanyahju and assume that capitulation will bring “long-term security.” No one has denied the palestinians their state save for their leaders.

    President Obama showed more rhetorical initiative when he spoke, but he doesn’t appear to have a strategy for reviving negotiations. Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, is refusing to come back to the table and is...

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Palin questions Obama’s support for the Muslim Brotherhood

By Ted Belman

For those of you who live on Mars, last week was a big week for Sarah Palin. The following announcements were made:

    1. Stephen Bannon has made a two hour documentary film on Palins record and VP run. It aims to set the record straight. Sort of like a Mr Smith goes to Washington type story. He says it will go off like “an atomic bomb”.

    2. Starting this weekend Gov Palin is taking a month long bus tour of historic places on the eastert seaboard. Sort of like a whistle stop tour. She has decorated the bus in red, white a blue emblazonned on it with the slogons “One Nation” and “We the People”.

    3. Before the tour starts she is participating in the Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Rally in Washington involving 250,000 bikers including sarah and Todd on one of the bikes. The event is to honour veterans, a cause close to her heart.

In her most recent Facebook post below she attacks Obama’s Egypt policy.

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Obama’s Cop-Killing Justice Department

Eric Holder’s BATFE encouraged sale of gun used to murder Border Patrol agent Brian Terry
by Bill Levinson

Q: What is the difference between Emily Gross and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives?
A: Gross got prison time for buying the gun her boyfriend used to kill a State Trooper, BATFE suffered no consequences for encouraging gun dealers tosell the gun that criminals used to kill a Border Patrol agent.

The Left, especially the Brady Campaign, often accuses gun dealers of selling guns without performing background checks, or selling them to suspicious people. New York’s dishonest Mayor, Michael Bloomberg, ran a rogue sting operation in which he sent investigators to have themselves videotaped buying guns while saying, “I probably wouldn’t pass a background check.” The truth is however that responsible gun dealers balked at selling weapons, including AK-47s and 50 caliber sniper rifles, to suspicious people but were told by the...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel