It's hard to explain any double digit approval number of the most disastrous presidency (both foreign and domestic) in our nation's history. But it speaks to the power of big media. Bush's unemployment was 4.6% and we were told what a horror it was. Everyone was working, priceswere low, the country was safe and the left was sick with a form of mad cow disease called BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome).
Here we are in an economic tsunami of bad news, and the Obama economy is being hailed as a recovery. And in what can only be diagnosed as stockholm syndrone, a ruby red district goes to a Democrat in a special elction in NY, a party that has proven time and time again to be the Defeat America party. And the media lauded that singular election as the second coming of Obama (while they negated the 600 legislative seats that went red not five months ago). America, snap out of it. You are walking into serfdom.