Maturity and Change and Motherhood
When people talk about freedom, they frequently don’t think of what the word really means. They think of it in terms of freedom of religion or freedom to live where they want or to be rewarded for the 80-hour weeks they worked to build their own business. But before faith can be generated within us, we must first be able to imagine the concept of God… of a Creator. That’s why God can only.....
by Marilyn Barnewall
A Fascist by Any Other Name
Most important, Walker believes that it is the decline in Christian faith and rise of immorality during the late 19th and early 20th centuries that allowed Nazism to rise to power. He takes great care to detail how the Nazis persecuted Christians as well as Jews, because at its core Nazism was a secular religion, worshipping man, instead of God. Walker also illustrates the close connection between Nazism, Islam, and.......
by Jim Kouri
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Terrorists Still on the Loose
One of the popular topics of conversation in the media since the killing of Osama bin Laden has been how many other fugitives from justice are out there, waiting to be caught or terminated. Castro is hosting several of them. They include FALN terrorist leader William Morales and Black Liberation Army cop-killer Joanne Chesimard. Many Americans may have forgotten that some of the terrorists who laid siege to America in the 1970s and 1980s in the name of liberating the U.S. from the......
by Cliff Kincaid
Defining America and America’s Exceptionalism, Part 1
All through man’s history up until the forming of the government of the United States there had been only kings and dictators who held complete control over its people. When the United States won its independence from Britain our Founding Fathers established a government that the world had never seen before. There were shades of it in Greece and Rome, but never had there been a government where the people controlled who governed them. For the first time in man’s history.....
by Pastor Roger Anghis