Saturday, May 07, 2011
Would Obama Have Given Hitler a Christian Burial?
Pakistan Let Bin Laden Run AQ From Villa
Muslims Kill Christians, Media Spins Story
Billions for the South, Not a Penny for Pakistan!
A Most Revealing Spring
A most revealing season....If CNN's Islamist-Appeasing Ace Reporter Knew Bin Laden's Location, 'a Villa in Pakistan,' Did China Know, too?
The Real Bin Laden Photos Obama Aimed to Stop
Hiding in plain sight is the real reason the United States snatched Bin Laden's body and buried it at sea after washing it, incredibly, in accord with Islamic laws and rituals: President Obama, who has narrowed the war against radical Islam to defeating Al Qaeda, alone, and has made outreach to and engagement of organized/radical Islam the foundation of his utterly failed foreign policy, wanted to prevent the staging of a funeral on land that would surely have been attended by tens or hundreds of thousands of Pakistani Muslims. Photos of Muslim hoards mourning for the mass murdering monster Bin Laden conflict with the Obama administration's false depiction of the "Muslim world."ISI Sheltered Bin Laden for 8 Years: US
Friday, May 06, 2011
One Dog More Precious than Lives of 100 Million Muslim Fanatics
Two Al Qaeda Leaders Killed
Obama's Egypt
UK Muslims Rally for Bin Laden
Philippine Muslims Support Bin Laden
The Need to Topple Terror-Sponsoring Regimes
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Bin Laden's body should have been mutilated, chopped into pieces, smothered in pig fat, although that could have been disrespectful to pigs and requires careful consideration, and fed to wild animals. Or simply burned. Instead, it was washed and prayed over for 45 minutes in accord with Islamic law.
All the "experts" were wrong. Bin Laden directed Al Qaeda. And Pakistan made it possible. Click here for the story. In other words, Pakistan was complicit in every AQ attack since 9/11.
What Obama has wrought in Egypt....
Muslim fanatics attack Christians, and Islamist-appeasing news organizations report "clashes." Click here.
This Yankee, a New York Jew, says: Billions for the South--to rebuild the states devastated by natural disasters--not one penny for perfidious Pakistan.
It is simply immoral, downright disgusting, that American taxpayer money is funneled to fanatic Muslims, barbarians who produce nothing of value to the modern world.
Enough! No more money--end the foreign aid to Al Qaeda-aiding scum.
And ... drill, drill, drill ... develop American oil and gas ... and coal and shale ... in order to make the world's greatest democracy ... a beacon to the civilized world ... energy independent ... and prosperous again!
Is there a Presidential candidate courageous enough to embrace this platform? Trump? Palin?
We learned that West Germany knew Eichmann's location four years before his capture by Israel, and Pakistan sheltered Bin Laden for eight years.
The China-Pakistan relationship may not be as close as lips and teeth (China and North Korea). But the relationship is close enough--described by Hu Jintao as "higher than the mountains and deeper than oceans." Military/intelligence ties are terribly tight.
So if CNN's globe-trotting ace reporter knew Bin Laden's location--a comfortable villa in Pakistan--than there is good reason to believe China knew, too.
And ... if China knew ... did Saudi Arabia know, too?
Probably. Saudi intelligence and Pakistan's pro-Islamist ISI practically invented the Taliban, and aided and abetted Al Qaeda before--and in Pakistan's case, at least--also after 9/11. The two services remain quite close--close enough for the Saudis to know the truth.
The truth: how America and Americans were deceived and used and manipulated ... and probably ridiculed behind the curtains and veils of these awful Muslim lands.
How about barbaric Afghanistan? Did its corrupt, clownish president know the Big Bin Laden Secret, too?
Who else might have known?
Anyone in the U.S. government?
The perfidy cries out for Congressional hearings to get to the bottom of who knew what, when.
It's the least the nation's so-called leaders can do for the 9/11 victims and their families and for the fallen troops, especially those who were used like cannon fodder in Iraq while Iran went on developing real weapons of mass destruction ... nuclear warheads and long range missiles ... and Pakistan sheltered and harbored and assisted Al Qaeda's mass murdering monster and, one must assume, a whole host of Islamist killers, including aiding KSM's beheading of American journalist Danny Pearl.
That said, Obama can't be blamed for Pakistan. He inherited the twisted relationship with this nuclear-armed nation from George Bush, on whose watch 9/11 happened in the first place.
“I don’t know where Bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” - George W. Bush, 3/13/02
Bush blew the response to the mega-atrocity. Instead of formally declaring war on Afghanistan and radical Islam, the U.S. struck back with too little, too late, relying on notoriously unreliable Afghan warlords for most of the ground fighting, which allowed Bin Laden and Mullah Omar and their most senior commanders to escape into neighboring Pakistan. Instead of immediately annihilating Al Qaeda and the Taliban by any and all means necessary, including nuclear weapons, the U.S. under Bush swept the Islamist filth from one backward Muslim hellhole to the next.
Bush should have detained and interrogated all aliens from Muslim lands. Instead, he authorized a secret airlift of the Bin Laden family and other Saudis.
Bush should have deported all aliens from Muslim lands and ended all immigration from Muslim lands. Instead, he praised "peaceful and beautiful Islam" and cozied up even closer to Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
Instead of putting a gun to the head of the Saudi ambassador, Bush let him sit on his Oval Office desk while the two men smoked cigars--just days after 9/11.
Instead of using any and all weapons necessary to obliterate Islamist Iran's WMD sites, annihilate Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps, and wipe out Iran's military-industrial infrastructure, Bush needlessly invaded a completely contained secular enemy, Iraq, which had no WMD and no meaningful Islamist/Al Qaeda connections. The Iraq war cost countless billions of dollars, killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people ... and produced an Iranian satellite. The war wrecked the American economy and ruined the Republican Party, paving the way for Obama's ascent to power.
The war against radical Islam could and should have been won in a matter of months. Instead, Bush gave us a never-ending, phony War on Terror, an unnecessary war in Iraq ... and Obama ... whose success in finally tracking down and killing Bin Laden will, unfortunately, provide America's first Muslim-born-and-reared President with political cover for continuing to support so-called moderate Islamists--including Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and Turkey's Iran-embracing Islamist regime--while pressuring Israel to withdraw to indefensible borders in order to make way for another Arab state in historic Palestine (the first two such entities being the Kingdom of Jordan and the Hamas-ruled terrorist mini-state in Gaza).
Related: Would Nixon Have Nuked Al Qaeda?
Question: What's the difference between Al Qaeda and the ISI--Pakistan's powerful Inter-Services Intelligence agency?
Answer: About $20 billion--the amount of money that the United States has given Pakistan since 2001, most of which has gone to the Taliban-backing, Al Qaeda-assisting ISI.
Did US Taxpayers Fund Bin Laden Hideout?
Another question: given the ISI-AQ alliance, shouldn't one assume that some of the cash--say, a billion or two out of the 20 billion, or a few hundred million at the very least--ended up in Al Qaeda hands? How do we know U.S. taxpayers didn't actually pay for the construction and maintenance of Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan?
A military canine is reported to have accompanied the Navy SEALs on the raid in Abbottabad, Pakistan, that killed Osama bin Laden.
God bless the SEALs ... and their dog. His life is clearly far more valuable and precious than the lives of 100 million Muslim fanatics.
In fact, the life of any dog, or any any cat, or any animal, for that matter, is clearly far more valuable and precious than the lives of 100 million Muslim fanatics.
Speaking of nuclear-armed, Muslim Pakistan ... isn't it time that the United States nuked this so-called country that was organized around Islam? Shouldn't the U.S. nuke Pakistan before Pakistan nukes the U.S. --directly or indirectly--i.e. by selling or giving a nuclear weapon to an Islamist terrorist-sponsoring country or terrorist organization?
Pakistan, a country organized around Islam, harbored Bin Laden, aided Al Qaeda, and invented the Taliban ... with Saudi money.
Many, if not most, Muslims around the world support or sympathize with Bin Laden, hate America, long for the death of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, and Hindus.
By Elias Bejjani
Isaiah 33/1: "Woe to you who destroy, but you weren’t destroyed; and who betray, but nobody betrayed you! When you have finished destroying, you will be destroyed; and when you have made an end of betrayal, you will be betrayed."
Faithful people who strongly believe in the Day Of Judgment and in God's sole authority of revenge do not hail, rejoice, encourage, or commit the act of killing humans under any given circumstances, no matter what are the justifications or reasons. The two pillars of Faith are love and forgiveness, and not hatred or revenge as per the Bible teaching. (Saint Paul's Letter to the Romans 12/18-20: "If it is possible, as much as it is up to you, be at peace with all men. Don’t seek revenge yourselves, beloved, but give place to God’s wrath. For it is written, Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay, says the Lord. Therefore if your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in doing so, you will heap coals of fire on his head.”)
Murderers at the intellectual, academic, and leadership level, like the late terrorist Bin Laden, choose their evil lifestyle of hostility, corruption and crime. They distance themselves from God and faith, cowardly disregard all human rights' covenants, disrespect and breaks laws, lack the spirit of accountability and responsibility, and openly despise all values and morals. By walking this awkward and dangerous life path of rebellion against all society and faith norms they put themselves in a very vulnerable position where others, be individuals or authorities, are forced to deal with them in the same manner of force, deterrence and elimination.
In this context Osama Bin Laden's acts of massive murder, terrorism and crime has brought on him the fatal end that he asked for and ultimately received. U.S. military forces hunted and killed him for the horrible massacre that he committed against the American people on the11th of September/2001, in which more than 3000 innocent individuals were murdered, mostly Americans, including 24 Canadians. He planned, financed and ordered this terrorist unprecedented bloody massacre, the biggest against the American people since the surprising air raid carried out by the Japanese Imperial Navy on December 07/1941 on the U.S. Naval Base at Pearl Harbor.
It is an incontestable fact that killing Bin Laden is a superb success in the global war against terrorism for military, legal and psychological reasons. Meanwhile his physical liquidation does not mean by any way that the evil education of terrorism, suicide and homicide, fundamentalist zealotry, and the culture of hatred that he has cultivated and spread were buried in the Arabian Sea along with his body. No, the death of the Saudi-born, wealthy fundamentalist and terrorist has not made the world terrorism-free. The impact of Osama Bin Laden as a symbol will most likely keep inspiring affiliated groups and individuals for some time, a fact that calls for an on going global vigilance and a need to continue all joint international efforts to contain, prevent and fight terrorism.
For achieving ultimate success and triumph in the global fight against terrorism, the main focus in this very costly and highly sophisticated war must be on the regimes that harbor, breed, and export it, and not only on organizations and individuals. There is no doubt that global fundamentalism and terrorism will continue to be a dire threat to world peace and stability after the physical absence of bin Laden as long as there are rogue regimes left alone without any kind of deterrence to use terrorism in their expansionism, sectarianism, hostility and destructive schemes. At the forefront of regimes that sponsor terrorism are the countries of Syria, Iran, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Gaza Strip, Egypt, Iraq and the mini-state of Hezbollah, the Palestinian refugee camps and the Syrian military bases in Lebanon.
Bin Laden could not have escaped his deadly fate since 2001 if Pakistan and other countries were not providing him and his top notch terrorist aids with a safe haven. In this realm the American military and intelligence sources disclosed that Abbottabad, where Bin Laden was shot dead Sunday night on May 2, is a Pakistani garrison town where a large military base is located. His mansion was just 100 meters away from Pakistan's military academy and 120 kilometers from the capital of Islamabad and Pakistani intelligence headquarters. These sobering facts indicate that the Pakistani military and its intelligence must have known who was living in the exceptionally large, heavily guarded mansion in their midst and in plain sight and kept this knowledge from the Americans. The mansion was encircled by 12-15 meter high walls topped by 7 foot privacy wall and barbed wire accessed through two steel, electrically-operated security gates. The Pakistani authorities could not have missed it when it was built in 2005 and more buildings were added later.
Bin Laden's hypocrisy was unveiled and plainly exposed in the kind of life style that he was enjoying in the midst of a semi-urban Pakistani area. While he was sending men and women to their deaths, he was not hiding in a hole, in a jungle, or in a remote mountainous cave. No, he was residing comfortably in a million-dollar three-storey mansion with his wives, children, close family members and aids, while getting the best of the latest telecommunication and leisure technology.
It is so frustrating, and extremely sad that since the mid-1950s our peace-loving Lebanese people have been and still are victims for all forms of terrorism. Syria is fully behind all the terrorists that have been inflicting all sorts of terrorism on the Lebanese. Syria has instigated in Lebanon endless futile wars, chaos, instability, exodus, corruption, crime and the confiscation of the country's independence, freedom and sovereignty. Syria, jointly with its Iranian mullah allies, completely embraces both Hezbollah and Hamas as well as a score of radical and Islamic fundamentalist organizations. Syria and Iran breed, cultivate, recruit, train, finance and use the majority of terrorism organizations
Autocratic and oppressive regimes in both Syria and Iran are the sole godfathers for most of the terrorist groups and individuals all over the world. They are creating chaos and instability in Arab and Middle Eastern countries under camouflaged and deceptive religious slogans. Meanwhile, the free world up till now not only doing nothing but is, instead, cajoling and appeasing both rogue regimes.
To globally eliminate and eradicate all forms of terrorism, regimes that harbor terrorists must be contained militarily or toppled. The Syrian and Iranian regimes should be at the top of the list for this effort. Meanwhile, all politicians, academics and clergy who advocate or sponsor terrorism must be arrested and put on trial through international tribunals
In conclusion, the majority of the terrorist organizations all over the world including Hezbollah, and Hamas are mere military tools and proxies that are found, financed, and sponsored by the two rogue regimes of Iran and Syria. Therefore, an effective global war against terrorism can not by any means be successful if the regimes that breed terrorism are not dealt with first. Fighting only fundamentalist and terrorist organizations will not put an end to global terrorism. What is required foremost is the eradication of the regimes that foster, produce, protect and export terrorism.
Posted by Britannia Radio at 09:23