Nimbys, Bananas and Greens
However, the nation’s energy problem is much worse than just not being able to drill our American oil. Even if we could drill our own oil or even had a glut of imported oil, the crisis couldn’t be averted to bring oil prices down. That’s because the United States hasn’t built a new oil refinery since 1976. All remaining American refineries are running at full capacity. There is barely time for the plants to shut down to perform needed upkeep and repairs because such activity will cause a bump in the system and force prices up....
by Tom DeWeese
The Secret Cabal, Part 13
Very few people understand the events that led up to the First World War because the Brotherhood of Darkness purchased the major publishing outlets, and concealed the truth. If you want to determine what happened, you must read the books that were written at that time. France had a secret agreement with Russia and Great Britain, but the French people didn't want to enter the First World War, and when the war began, they wanted to end the conflict. Why did France continue fighting?.......
by Dr. Stanley Monteith
Monetary Reform 102
Indeed, the Supreme Court has admitted that even it—as a branch of the General Government co-equal with Congress—has no authority to disregard the specific monetary values that Congress has set on coins and paper currency. See Thompson v. Butler, 95 U.S. 694 (1878). The model bill set out below corrects that problem. Inasmuch as the Supreme Court has already definitively ruled on this matter, the bill should be.....
by Dr. Edwin Vieira, JD