Last time, we learned that Lord Esher controlled the King of England, and Rasputin controlled Nicholas and Alexandra, but why did France and the United States enter the First World War?
Very few people understand the events that led up to the First World War because the Brotherhood of Darkness purchased the major publishing outlets, and concealed the truth. If you want to determine what happened, you must read the books that were written at that time.
France had a secret agreement with Russia and Great Britain, but the French people didn't want to enter the First World War, and when the war began, they wanted to end the conflict. Why did France continue fighting?
Once again I am indebted to Dr. Dennis Cuddy for the following quotation. It comes from John Kenneth Turner's book, Shall It Be Again?. The information has been suppressed because the BOD doesn't want the American people to learn the truth. John Kenneth Turner wrote:
"In February, 1917, Representative Calloway, on the floor of Congress, charged the Morgan interests with having, in March, 1915, organized and financed a huge propaganda machine embracing twelve influential publishers and 179 selected newspapers, for the purpose of manufacturing sentiment favorable to American participation in the war. These charges were renewed in May, 1921, by Representative Michelson of Illinois. The latter called attention to the fact that, in his history of the war, Gabriel Hanotaux tells of a conference with the late Robert Bacon, then a member of the Morgan firm, in 1914, in which he and Bacon drew up plans and specifications for a great scare campaign in this country. Hanotaux also suggests that France was ready to make peace in 1914, but was dissuaded by Bacon and other American politicians, who gave assurances that they could ultimately bring America into the war on the side of France."[1]
Why is that information important? It reveals France wanted to end the war in 1914, but J.P. Morgan's agent, Robert Bacon, told the French government the U.S. would enter the war, and defeat the Central Powers.
John Kenneth Turner continued:
"These charges are worth recording, but they are important only when taken in connection with other evidence. As a means of establishing the wish of our great financial interests for war, at least for some time before it was declared, they do not need to be proven. For, aside from the circumstantial evidence here given, any one who has read the Pujo Committee report on the Money Trust, showing the concentration of credit in the hands of three great banks, and the control of small banks by the big ones - and any one who appreciates the dependence of the more powerful organs of the press upon the dominant business interests of the communities which they serve, and especially upon the banks - will understand that the propaganda storm of the months preceding our entrance into the war would have been impossible without the approval and instigation of Wall Street. As Wall Street wanted war before it came, so, after it came, Wall Street promoted the war."[2]
Robert Bacon worked for J.P. Morgan, and J.P. Morgan wanted to bring the United States into the war. J.P. Morgan was one of the wealthiest men in the world at that time. He didn't need additional money, so why did J.P. Morgan promote the deadly conflict?
Corinne McLaughlin has been involved in the occult movement for many years. Her book, Spiritual Politics, is an excellent source of information. Corinne McLaughlin wrote:
"Disney companies used astrology to open their Euro Disney theme park - just as they have done with their parks in California and Florida. Financier J.P. Morgan gave his astrologer credit for his billionaire status. . . ."[3]
Corinne McLaughlin claims J.P. Morgan was involved in astrology, and astrology is founded in the occult. Is there other information that link J.P. Morgan to the occult? Yes! He was closely affiliated with the Milner Group, and most of the founding members of that organization were involved in the occult. The Milner Group established the Round Table Group, and the Round Table Group established the Royal Institute for International Affairs in the Commonwealth nations in 1919 and the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States in 1921. Professor Quigley described the structure of the conspiratorial organization.
"The leaders of this group were: Milner, . . . followed by Curtis, Robert H. (Lord) Brand . . . and . . . Adam D. Marris, . . . managing director of Lazard Brothers bank . . . . Money for the widely ramified activities of this organization came originally from the associates and followers of Cecil Rhodes, chiefly from the Rhodes Trust. . . . Since 1925 there have been substantial contributions from wealthy individuals and from foundations and firms associated with the international banking fraternity, especially the Carnegie United Kingdom Trust, and other organizations associated with J.P. Morgan, the Rockefeller and Whitney families, and the associates of Lazard Brothers and of Morgan, Grenfell, and Company.
The chief backbone of this organization grew up along the already existing financial co- operation running from the Morgan Bank in New York to a group of international financiers in London led by Lazard Brothers. Milner himself in 1901 had refused a fabulous offer, worth up to $100,000 a year, ($10 million a year today - ed) to become one of the three partners of the Morgan Bank in London. . . .
At the end of the war of 1914, it became clear that the organization of this system had to be greatly extended. Once again the task was entrusted to Lionel Curtis who established in England, and each dominion, a front organization to the existing local Round Table Group. This front organization, called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, had as its nucleus in each area the existing submerged Round Table Group. In New York it was known as the Council on Foreign Relations, and was a front for J.P. Morgan and Company in association with the very small American Round Table Group."[4]
J.P. Morgan financed the Milner Group's effort to establish a world government. That has been the goal of the secret societies and the occult movement for 4200 years, and that is their goal today. Corinne McLaughlin claims J.P. Morgan attributed his wealth to his Astrologer, and that is probably true because most of the men who have accumulated great wealth have accessed the spiritual dimension. If you doubt that is true, I suggest you watch Pastor Joe Schimmel's DVD, "They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll." It documents the fact that most of the major entertainers of the past half-century were involved in the occult.
J.P. Morgan, and his associates, purchased the editorial policy of 25 major newspapers, and launched a program to convince the American people the U.S. should enter the First World War, but that wasn't the primary reason the U.S. entered the conflict.[5]
Colonel Edward Mandell House controlled U.S. foreign policy, and manipulated the U.S. into the First World War. Who was Colonel House? Why did he control U.S. foreign policy? Ambassador James Gerard was Ambassador to Germany at that time, and was concerned about the power that Colonel House wielded. Ambassador Gerard wrote in his book, My First Eight-three Years in America:
"Certainly Colonel E. Mandell House occupied a unique position in the annals of American diplomacy. He, who had never been appointed to any position and who had never been passed upon by the Senate, was 'fully instructed and commissioned' to act in the most grave situation. I have never ceased to wonder how he had managed to attain such power and influence."[6]
I began this letter with a series of questions. I will answer them in our future installments, and tell you why Colonel House was one of the most powerful men in the world.
Yours in Christ,
Stanley Monteith
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13,
© 2011 Dr. Stanley Monteith - All Rights Reserved
Dr. Stanley Monteith has been studying the movement to create a world government for almost 40 years. During his 35-year career as an orthopedic surgeon he traveled to Europe, lived in South Africa, and researched the records of the men and the organizations that are working to bring our nation under the control of a corporate elite.
Dr. Monteith currently spends five hours daily on talk radio across the nation. He writes extensively, and lectures on geopolitics. He is the author of AIDS: The Unnecessary Epidemic and his most recent book Brotherhood of Darkness is in its 8th printing.
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