Mexican cartels have MILITARY weapons Not guns from US gun shopsBrasscheck TV
Any idiot knows that any "aid" you send to a Latin American government is going to end being re-sold (or at least repackaged) by the corrupt governments there.
That big sucking sound you hear is all the guns sent as military aid to Mexico and Latin America at large flowing to the highest bidder which would be the Mexican drug cartels.
So what does Bushbama and his Attorney General Dick Holder do? They concoct a scheme to pin the illicit Mexican arms trade on law abiding gun shops in the border states.
Note: If you're an anti-gun hysteric, you might want to take a closer look at what the US government is trying to do to the Second Amendment.
(Hey, if people can call 2nd Amendment supporters "gun nuts" I can call the enemies of the 2nd Amendment "anti-gun hysterics.")
Note: We created a whole channel about this issue so you can educate yourself.
2nd Amendment
Guns are mechanical devices that are dangerous if used incorrectly and live saving when used correctly.
Gee, the guns just sort of "disappeared"
Recently, they've sold more guns to the Mexican government
than they have to Iraq and Afghanistan combined.
Let me repeat that in case you missed it.
The State Department has sold more guns to the
Mexican government than they have to Iraq and
Afghanistan combined.
And wouldn't you know it?
Some of those military grade automatic weapons
seem to have gone "missing."
Hey, doesn't someone named Clinton run the
State Department these days?
- Brasscheck