War has broken out in Greece. But the battleground is not on the streets, where rioters are venting their fury at planned spending cuts and painful social austerity. It’s on stock market floors and in the political corridors from Athens to Berlin and Brussels. The debt-ridden Mediterranean country is fighting for its future while, for the rest of Europe, Greece has become the frontline for the battle to save the euro. “I am here by patriotic duty to carry out a real war,” the new Greek finance minister, Evangelos Venizelos, said on taking up the post on Friday. “I did it with much thought and not without doubts,” he added. With good reason. It will be the biggest fight of the former defence minister’s life. His first sortie comes today, when the eurogroup of finance ministers meets in Brussels with International Monetary Fund (IMF) representatives to agree to release the fifth tranche of the €110bn (£97bn) bail-out package agreed in May last year. For Venizelos, it will be an easy introduction. Last week, Olli Rehn, the European Union’s economic commissioner, indicated the decision had already been made to hand over the €12bn of loans. In an official statement, he said: “I am confident that Sunday, the eurogroup will be able to decide on the disbursement of the fifth tranche of the loans for Greece in early July.” Venizelos’s bigger battles start almost immediately. In a now well-worn analogy, the disbursement to Greece will be little more than “kicking the can down the road” — buying time for a proper solution. In August, Greece faces redemption of €6.6bn of five-year bonds. The market is currently charging interest on 5-year Greek debt at 17.8pc — a level that reflects the risk of default but one that is also so high it would inevitably cause one. Greece could simply be unable to refinance. The IMF and European loan, which will be extended despite Greece technically being in breach of the original agreement, will get the country through to September. By then, a second bail-out of as much as €150bn is expected to have been struck. For Venizelos, the challenge will be to moderate the demands that accompany the new money. Greece is in uproar. The streets are ablaze as the people riot in protest at the €28bn package of tax hikes and budget cuts already being demanded by the donors. Social unrest threatened to strip the country of political leadership last week. First, Prime Minister George Papandreou offered to resign to form a party of national unity as ministers defected in protest at the austerity measures. When the opposition said it would only accede on unreasonable terms, Papandreou instead reshuffled his cabinet – pushing out his longstanding ally George Papaconstantinou as finance minister and installing Venizelos, a former rival for the Prime Minister’s post of more socialist leanings. Meanwhile, the popular opposition, leading in the polls, has refused to support an extra €6bn of austerity measures to bring down the budget deficit. A game of brinkmanship is developing, with Greece demanding easier terms for an even larger IMF and European rescue or threatening to tip the whole euro area into crisis by risking a default. For Germany, Europe’s powerhouse and the main donor nation, easier terms are simply not acceptable. Chancellor Angela Merkel’s ratings have plummeted in recent weeks as frugal Germans react with anger to the prospect of bailing out the profligate euro periphery yet again — following rescues of Portugal and Ireland. Greece was the author of its own downfall, the thinking goes. Unaffordable promises to state workers and crony capitalism made the people comfortable and rich at the expense of proper fiscal management. It’s come-uppance time. Struggling to suppress its angry public, Germany has turned on the third player in the Greek drama — the private sector. Wolfgang Schaeuble, the hard-line finance minister, has been urging creditors to agree to swap their Greek bonds for paper with a seven-year maturity. Although packaged as a voluntary “reprofiling”, such a dramatic measure would qualify in the markets as a default. Under Schaeuble’s plan, an estimated €270bn of Greece’s €347bn of sovereign debt would be restructured — meaning bondholders would have to mark down the value of their holdings. As far as the European Central Bank (ECB) is concerned, the plan would be catastrophic — turning a local Greek disturbance into a continental struggle. Greece’s crisis would spill across its borders into Portugal, Ireland and, worst of all, the far larger economies of Spain and Italy. It would be Europe’s Lehman Brothers moment as the financial system would seize up once again, triggering an even more painful recession as governments have nothing left in their armoury to fight the crisis. “In the worst case, the restructuring of a member state could overshadow the effects of the Lehman bankruptcy,” ECB executive board member Juergen Stark said earlier this year. Revelations in The Sunday Telegraph today prove that the risk is very much alive. In a frightening replay of the early stages of the credit crunch, Standard Chartered and Barclays are pulling out of Europe’s inter-bank funding markets and shifting billions of dollars to Asia. They fear a systemic meltdown that could leave them facing losses on supposedly low risk, short-term funding to a stricken rival bank. Asia is the new safe haven, just as European sovereign debt was – ironically – in the original financial crisis. Political sympathy for imposing some of the pain on creditors has fanned the market’s fears in recent weeks. Germany’s strong posturing followed outline reforms to the euro system that will enforce losses on bondholders in member states that require a rescue from 2013 onwards. At the same time, the Irish government last week laid out plans to impose losses on senior holders of debt in the nationalised lenders Anglo Irish Bank and Irish Nationwide — debt that had been guaranteed by the state. The message has been becoming increasingly clear. The private sector is in the gunsights. A new front is opening up in the battle to save the euro. A fight with the bond markets. The bond markets, though, are the nuclear power of the financial world. By comparison, Europe’s weakened economies are joining battle with pistols and bayonets. Bar Germany and France, the euro area is struggling. Risks are increasing, the IMF said last week, not least from Greece. The fund’s “spillover report” into the euro area, due tomorrow, will warn of inherent weaknesses in the euro system and the fragility of the recovery. Last Friday, Moody’s threatened to cut Italy’s credit rating from AA2. The agency has already cut Spain’s rating twice since September to the same level. Moreover, Europe’s big bail-out fund, the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), has just €440bn of firepower. If there is a “Lehman moment”, the EFSF would need to be three times larger, Nout Wellink, a member of the ECB’s Governing Council, said last week — €1.5 trillion to secure private sector support for a second Greek bail-out package and to cover potential contagion risks. Contagion is the big fear. French banks have €49bn of exposure to Greek sovereign debt, German banks €30bn, and UK banks €14bn, according to Fathom Consulting’s analysis of Bank for International Settlements’ data. Nasty though a default would be, that alone would be manageable. If it triggers fears of a default in Portugal and Ireland as well, the crisis could rapidly spiral out of control. Spain has a €79bn exposure to Portugal, Germany €38bn, France €24bn, and the UK €22bn. In Ireland’s case, UK banks own €145bn of the country’s sovereign debt and Germany €119bn. With so much potentially toxic exposure in the banks, money market funds and other counterparties could start pulling funding lines in a repeat of the first credit crunch — as Standard Chartered and Barclays have already begun doing. The biggest fear is that Spain’s banks, already facing major domestic problems, would topple — forcing a state-funded rescue that would drag the whole country into a bail-out. Any threat of default in Spain would be devastating. Germany owns €167bn of Spanish debt, France €131bn and the UK €103bn. By comparison, when Lehman went down, it had debt stock of $610bn (€425bn/£375bn). Holger Schmieding, chief economist of Berenberg Bank, explained that while a Greek default would be manageable, the contagion risks might not. “The key issue for Europe is not the fate of small Greece,” he said. “If Athens were to reject the bail-out terms for good, support for Greece might end and Greece might default. In the event of a Greek default, Europe would likely switch to contagion control, trying to prevent the turmoil from spreading to Spain and Italy.” Tim Kirk, a partner at accountants BDO, added: “Like Lehmans, the shock could spread across the entire financial system. The effect will be to drive investors away from government bonds of other countries, especially Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy and there simply isn’t enough money to bail all these countries out.” Faced with the might of the bond markets, Germany retreated last week. Schaeuble’s demands were dropped. In a show of unity with President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, Merkel accepted that creditor restructuring would have to be genuinely “voluntary”, saying “a Vienna-style initiative would be a basis for the involvement of the private sector.” She was referring to the collaborative effort of banks to prevent an escalation of the financial crisis in January 2009 by agreeing to maintain their exposures to troubled central European countries. The new proposal, for a rollover of debt falling due in the next three years, would affect not the €270bn of bonds Schaeuble was targeting, but just €85bn. And of those €85bn, not all creditors are expected to “volunteer”. The deal is expected to secure private sector backing. Last week, the Market Monitoring Group (MMG), a forum of private sector leaders affiliated to the Institute of International Finance, indicated as much, saying after a meeting of members: “To facilitate Greece’s adjustment efforts, some form of voluntary participation from the private sector will have to be considered.” With the private sector on side, a new rescue is expected to be announced by July 11 — the next meeting of eurogroup finance ministers. Britain, despite earlier suggestions that it could be on the hook for up to €1.2bn, is not expected to play a part in the rescue, bar its share of any IMF contribution. Some have estimated the total bail-out at €150bn, others about €105bn – with the private sector providing €30bn of support, Greece delivering €30bn from privatisation sales, and the remainder coming from the IMF, where French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde is poised to be made managing director, and bilateral European loans or use of the EFSF. The plan, a form of dĂ©tente with the bond markets, simply “kicks the can down the road” — yet again — to 2013. Under the original rescue package, Greece was expected to return to the markets next year for around €27bn. It is now painfully clear that it will not be able to. A default is still expected by the markets, rating agencies and economists — just a little later than before. Standard & Poor’s last week downgraded Greek debt to CCC, the lowest junk level before default, implying that investors have just a 30pc-50pc chance of recovering their principal. Some economists believe Greece needs to write off 50pc or more of its outstanding €347bn of sovereign debt. Giada Giani, a European economist at Citi, said: “Eventually a debt restructuring will have to happen, in our view, but probably not before the end of the new bail-out program, sometime in 2013-2014.” Even Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the US Federal Reserve, has said it is very simple. “The chances of Greece not defaulting are very small.” Greek debt is now the most expensive to insure in the world, the next being Venezuela’s. Kicking the can down the road has its advantages, though. For Greece, it gives the country time to get its fiscal house in order – to get the 10.5pc budget deficit under control, to return to economic growth following this year’s expected 3.5pc contraction, to restructure its labour market to deal with record unemployment of 15.6pc, to sell assets, and ultimately to start reducing the scale of national debt from its unsustainable current level of 150pc of GDP. For the euro area, buying time gives Ireland, Portugal and Spain in particular longer to fix their public finances and banking systems to minimise the risk of contagion. But there are risks. David Dodge, former governor of the Bank of Canada and co-chair of the MMG, said: “You can kick the can down the road in the hope that something is going to come along. Well, something isn’t going to come along in this case . . . The longer you let it go, the greater the chance that another event will come along and create a bigger problem.” For Europe’s taxpayers, though, can-kicking hurts. The less pain creditors take, the more taxpayers bear — be they in Germany, France or the Netherlands. When Greece eventually does default, as expected, a larger portion of the loss will be socialised. According to one senior debt specialist, holders of Greek bonds will have already taken write-downs on their positions. Others still have sold the debt at a heavy discount to vulture funds in the secondary market. Consequently, every one of those bonds that is bought or accepted as collateral by the Greek central bank or the ECB is effectively awarding private creditors a profit at the expense of taxpayers. It’s not just the German public that will find that hard to stomach. The combatants have staked out their positions, but the war over Greece’s debt has a long way to run.Battle lines drawn for a eurozone debt war
While Molotov cocktails burn on Athens’ streets, more vitriolic battles yet are blazing over Greece’s debt crisis behind the scenes, as financial markets and eurozone politicians fight their ground .
Sunday, 19 June 2011
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Britannia Radio