Sunday, 19 June 2011

What is going on here? In the course of one week, we have heard Ed Miliband embracing welfare reform,

Alan Milburn condemning the retreat from a more market-based NHS, Tony Blair endorsing Tory plans

to increase private sector involvement in the public services and – good grief –Ed Balls calling for a tax cut.

(Did that last one really happen? Maybe I dreamt it.)

The easiest conclusion would be that this is just opportunistic

game-playing.Labour politicians have decided that the Tories' collapse of nerve on their reform agenda

leaves a vacancy – and that the opening

is on the radical Right.

Now, there is nothing hugely remarkable about this consensus: indeed, it has been the accepted wisdom among responsible politicians of all parties for nearly two decades. What is surprising (or should be surprising, to anyone not steeped in the cynical resignation of Westminster power politics) is how reluctant politicians have been to air their almost universal acceptance of those resounding truths.

Anyone who talks to politicians or senior civil servants regularly will know that there is an enormous discrepancy between what they say in private conversation and what they pronounce for public consumption. And I do not mean by that simply the tittle-tattle of lobby gossip. Who is in, who is out, who is up and who is down is the small change of Westminster duplicity. The Big Secret – the conspiracy that dare not speak its name – is the understanding that is shared by all those members of the political class who are not halfwits or ideological zombies.

Yes, it's true: everybody knows – and has known for quite a long time – what needs to be done. And almost nobody is prepared to tell it straight. Even though many voters know it, too, and would almost certainly be ready to accept that their own instincts were sound if a political leader enunciated them with the kind of unblinking conviction that inspires confidence.

It is not just passion or demagoguery that is called for here, but fearless, trenchant argument. Why cave in the face of vested interests who caricature your health policies as an "American-style market free-for-all" when you could make it clear that there is an alternative European model of mixed public and private provision that delivers better outcomes than the NHS? Why not make the case that our rationed state-monopoly health care is out of step with more competitive and patient-centred systems in countries such as Sweden, Germany and Denmark? Why not talk to the country in the honest way that you talk to each other and to your trusted confidantes?

There is an obvious and depressing reason why not: absolute terror of the axe-grinding lobbies and their friends in the media, who have no scruples about whipping up unfounded fears and amorphous resentment in the public mind. This is a politically (if not ethically) justifiable worry, but it must not – cannot, for the sake of the country – be allowed to run the show.

If the entire political establishment runs scared from what it knows to be the only effective plans of action – if it allows public services to be run as producer-monopolies by self-serving union bosses, or resists cutting taxes for fear of being labelled "friends of the rich", and continues to bribe people to remain dependent on benefits so that it cannot be accused of "attacking the poor", then we are done for. All hope of real progress toward a more genuinely fair and dynamic society will be lost.

And, most unforgivably, this will not be because we did not know what the remedies were, but because we declined to make use of them. In an epidemic of political cowardice, there is still a tacit acceptance that some things would simply be "unacceptable" to the electorate. (I have had precisely those words said to me by ministers and former ministers of both major parties, in the course of conversations in which they have readily accepted what radical steps should be taken.)

Yet it is precisely that endlessly courted constituency of "hard-working families" that is ready to hear the truth – which is why Mr Miliband and Mr Balls have decided to tailor their pitch to them. They are more than ready to listen to a sound case which supports their own intuitive judgments about what is wrong with the country. And, although they do not go in for detailed exegesis of political statements, they know a contradiction when they hear one – when an argument does not ring true or does not reach its obvious logical conclusion. Maybe somebody should try talking to them as if they were grown-ups.