Sunday, 17 July 2011

We should have listened to Zhu Min years ago – don’t ignore him now

The “twin pillars” of the world economy continue to totter. Global investors, politicians and the financially-literate general public are wringing their hands about two previously “unthinkable” disasters – the US Congress “closing down” the government of the world’s largest economy and the break-up of the eurozone.

We should have listened to Zhu Min years ago – don’t ignore him now. In 2007 Zhu Min, while a relatively obscure official at China’s central bank. warned of the dangers of sub-prime.
Zhu Min warned of the dangers of sub-prime in 2007.

The “twin pillars” of the world economy continue to totter. Global investors, politicians and the financially-literate general public are wringing their hands about two previously “unthinkable” disasters – the US Congress “closing down” the government of the world’s largest economy and the break-up of the eurozone.

American lawmakers may do a deal this weekend, so managing to raise the US debt-ceiling prior to the August 2 deadline. Europe’s monetary union may, for now, be held together with a bucket-load of political fudge. If so, we would avoid both a US default and a “euroquake”, so averting another “Lehman moment”. I certainly hope we do.

The fact such catastrophic outcomes are even possible, though – that the mighty US could fail to pay its bills and Western Europe’s grand currency experiment could be washed away by a sovereign debt tsunami – means the world will never be the same.

Spending most of my time outside the UK these days, I’m acutely aware that the rest of the world perceives the trials and tribulations of the West very differently from how we perceive them ourselves. It’s also obvious to me that, given the recent success of the “emerging markets” and their track record of running surpluses and managing their economies prudently, that such nations are full of policy-makers whose views deserve respect.

Rather than taking the ideas of such “outsiders” seriously, though, considering them on their merits, we tend to routinely dismiss them. The sad reality is that the vast majority of Western investors and “opinion formers” – I witness this with my own eyes and ears almost daily – treat the analysis of those from the “developing world” almost with contempt. We listen politely and nod in the right places but feel we have nothing to learn from “them”.

Yet it is my experience that, if you really want to see clearly, to understand what is going on in the US, UK and the eurozone, then you need to escape the echo chamber of Western self-justification and give credence to — or, at the very least, not to instantly discredit — the reasoned analysis of those looking on from afar.

The dangers of sub-prime, for instance, only fully crystallized in my mind in January 2007. The catalyst was a speech given by Zhu Min, then, a relatively obscure official at China’s central bank. Until that point, while I was concerned about the US mortgage market and the growth of collateralized debt obligations, the International Monetary Fund had also influenced my view. The Fund’s position was that debt securitization – the rolling-up of diffuse obligations into derivatives, which were then flogged-off by commission-driven investment banks – made financial markets safer.

“There is growing recognition,” said the preface of the IMF’s Global Stability Report in 2006, “that the dispersion of credit risk by banks to a broader and more diverse group of investors has helped make the banking and overall financial system more resilient. Consequently the commercial banks may be less vulnerable today to credit or economic shocks.”

This was the conventional Western wisdom, as stated by the world’s premier financial watchdog. It was also complete and utter nonsense. Worse, it was nonsense that justified – and, if we’re honest, was specifically designed to justify – the actions of a financial services industry that was completely out of control.

Very soon, in the form of the Bear Stearns collapse and then Lehman, of course, that same financial services industry would spark the worst global slump for 80 years, upending thousands of businesses and destroying millions of jobs, while doing such damage to Western governments’ balance sheets as to curtail the prosperity not only of our children, but their children too.

The likes of Zhu Min could see through that conventional wisdom. Unhindered by the need to secure campaign donations or pander to Western vested interests, he was free to state clearly that years of financial leverage, busted reserve asset ratios and rock-bottom interest rates had made investors on Wall Street and in the City totally irrational.

“There is money everywhere,” Zhu said back in January 2007. “You can get liquidity from the market every second, for anything. So people are investing in assets with no idea of the risks they are taking.”

How right he was. How blatantly obvious his message. And how alarming that Western elites only allowed themselves to understand Zhu’s message in retrospect, once the damage had been done.

What’s really struck me in recent weeks, as the twin pillars of the global economy have tottered, is the clarity of what the rest of the world is saying. When it comes to the West’s sovereign debt imbroglio, in both Europe and the States, we’re so deep in the mire, and the consequences of policy failure would be so serious, that we really should heed the advice of those in a stronger position than us.

US Congressmen are “playing with fire” by contemplating even a brief debt default, said Li Daokui, a senior adviser to China’s central bank. Yet the idea of a technical default is still being entertained by many on Capitol Hill, who see it as a price worth paying if it forces the White House to slash spending. Clearly, America must control its debts.

This column has warned about the dangers of big government for years. But any default – even a “symbolic” delaying of US interest payments – would send financial markets into a deeply-damaging tail-spin.

Forcing such a delay is seen, in some quarters, as legitimate “hardball politics”. But it amounts to policy vandalism – the wanton destruction of global economic confidence for one’s own indulgence. US lawmakers should listen to the likes of Li Daokui not only because China, with more than $1,000bn (£620bn) of Treasuries, is America’s largest creditor, but also because he’s right.

The large emerging markets have also consistently warned that eurozone risks will get worse if policy-makers fail to face reality. Beijing, of course, has been buying up European debt, not on financial grounds, but in a bid to avert a catastrophic collapse of its biggest trading partner. Rather than using this cash infusion as a means to a solution or as room for manoeuvre, Europe’s leaders have instead seen it as an excuse to keep their heads in the sand.

“If China wants to engage in our sovereign debt market, they’re more than welcome,” said European Union trade commissioner Karel De Gucht last week, as China vowed to keep supporting eurozone “peripheral” debt. But he still insisted that Greece “can avoid default” and that “up until now, Europe has been giving the right answers”.

Does De Gucht not realise that Fitch has just slashed Greek debt four notches deeper into junk territory? Does he not understand that the eurocrats’ determination to avoid bondholder “haircuts”, so protecting their banking buddies, looks completely and utterly absurd?

Then there’s “quantitative easing” – another Western policy aberration, dressed up as a “legitimate technical solution”, that has the rest of the world shaking its head in dismay.

“It’s no use throwing dollars out of a helicopter,” Guido Mantegna, the Brazilian finance minister, has commented.

“QE amounts to economic hooliganism,” the Russian prime minister, Vladimir Putin, observed last week.

Mantegna and Putin are right. We Westerners won’t admit it.

Meanwhile, as the US contemplates yet more money printing, the price of gold – the ultimate hedge against panic – has hit another all-time high. Zhu Min is now an IMF special advisor. The question is, will we listen to his advice?