Sunday, 17 July 2011

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker

Christopher Booker of The Sunday Telegraph exposes the ever-growing

power of the European Union in Brussels

and the excesses of mad officialdom.


Queensland floods and Russian heatwave will be used to justify 'climate change' policies

Chris Huhne's 'carbon saving' measures could double energy bills within nine years - so Australian floods might help to wash down the British voter's bitter pills, says Christopher Booker.

16 Jul 2011

Child protection system tears two more families apart

Two shocking cases of children taken into care on the flimsiest pretexts, by Christopher Booker.

16 Jul 2011

First trucks, now trains: how EU rules kill off our industries

Why EU procurement rules have cost our last train-making firm a £1.5bn contract, by Christopher Booker.

09 Jul 2011

Will we one day see the EU's ring of stars waving over Lord's?

The EU wants to see all the sportspeople of its member states wearing the ring of stars logo, writesChristopher Booker.

09 Jul 2011

The Phoenix dust storm shows that, whatever the weather, it's always 'climate change'

Rain or shine, drought, flood or dust-storm, the warmist faith decrees that all 'freak weather events' are man-made, says Christopher Booker.

09 Jul 2011

Our troops win victory in the courts

Telegraph readers' support has helped soldiers in the Snatch Land Rover case to win a landmark judgment against the MoD, says Christopher Booker.

02 Jul 2011

Proof that the Government is tilting at windmills

The policy on which our national energy strategy is now centred is a ludicrously expensive, self-defeating joke, says Christopher Booker.

02 Jul 2011

It's a little late to be angry about Van Rompuy's palace, Mr Cameron

How did the Prime Minister avoid noticing the latest vainglorious example of EU extravagance for so long, asks Christopher Booker.

02 Jul 2011

A father's nightmare

A bizarre episode involving a father's separation from his children shows up our farcical law, says Christopher Booker.

02 Jul 2011

Why should we pay Ireland for its wind?

Chris Huhne's latest scheme to meet our EU renewables targets is a piece of folly, says Christopher Booker.

25 Jun 2011

Where Greece goes now, we will soon follow

Last week, the deficit on our Government's annual spending widened yet again, to £143 billion. We cannot avoid a reckoning for ever, warns Christopher Booker.

25 Jun 2011

Social workers see sense – it's just a shame they're not ours

Vicky Haigh fled to Ireland to escape her council's social workers, but they haven't given up, reports Christopher Booker.

25 Jun 2011

The IPCC declares Greenpeace in our time

The latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is packed with even more hot air than usual, says Christopher Booker

18 Jun 2011

The mystery of Haringey’s missing 'Girl X’ makes a mockery of the Children Act

The family of a girl taken into care have not seen or heard from her for 10 months, writes Christopher Booker.

11 Jun 2011

Industry begins to count the true cost of 'climate change'

Heavy industry in Europe faces a crippling bill for global warming, saysChristopher Booker.

11 Jun 2011

Professor Beddington's report will let the great asbestos scam continue

The Government's chief scientific adviser, Prof Sir John Beddington, has given the green light to the white asbestos scam, says Christopher Booker.

04 Jun 2011

How our judges deny human rights to children taken into care

The right to family life - invoked to get a burglar out of prison, or a celebrity granted a super-injunction - is denied to many children, says Christopher Booker.

04 Jun 2011

Councils that can't afford libraries are still recruiting highly paid 'sustainability' officers

While local authorities cut millions of pounds from public services, their spending on 'climate change' continues apace, writes Christopher Booker.

04 Jun 2011

Overseas aid: We borrow to give to the world

It only takes us 22 days to borrow the £8.5bn we hand out so generously every year, says Christopher Booker.

28 May 2011

War hero Pex wins right to stay

After a campaign supported by the Telegraph and its readers, Fijian soldier Epeli Uluilakeba, who was wounded in Iraq, will be allowed to stay in Britain, says Christopher Booker.

28 May 2011

The real scandal hidden by gags is what goes on in family courts

The walls of secrecy surrounding snatched children are creating a one-sided justice system, argues Christopher Booker.

28 May 2011

Wales in revolt over mammoth wind farm scheme

The Welsh Assembly's plans to install 800 giant wind turbines in mid-Wales make no economic sense, says Christopher Booker.

21 May 2011

The talk of David Cameron's leadership qualities obscures the mess he's leading us into

As pundits chatter of Cameron's greatness, Britain's national debt spirals out of control and it has no workable energy policy, says Christopher Booker.

21 May 2011

Vicky Haigh saves her baby from the clutches of the social workers

A British woman has given birth in Ireland to stop Nottinghamshire social workers from seizing her child, says Christopher Booker.

21 May 2011

A judge attacks my 'one-sided' child protection stories - but it cuts both ways

The judgment that Mr Justice Bellamy has published makes for illuminating reading, and not just for its attack on me, says Christopher Booker.

14 May 2011