Momentous Victory for Commercial Speech The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood, Part 3 The Great Gulf Coast Holocaust, Part 3 The Craziness of Humans Worldwide
The Founding Fathers wisely chose to disarm the federal government of any power whatsoever over speech and press. The Supreme Court’s Sorrell v. IMS Health decision is the closest our modern court has come to reducing the regulatory power of government over speech deemed commercial and to reuniting such speech with political communication consistent with the Founding Fathers’ construct. The decision in a very profound way increases individual liberty by.....
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
The MB in Egypt in the 1930s began to hold large demonstrations with slogans such as “Jews get out of Egypt and Palestine” and “Down with the Jews.” They also cheered the anti-Semitic violence of Amin al-Husseini’s followers in the Palestine Mandate area, with his followers using Nazi salutes and younger members wearing Hitler Youth uniforms. Concerning Egypt today, Yaakov Lappin in the June 1, 2011 Jerusalem Post, claimed....
by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D
Consequently, you have the heroes, the workers there, a large percentage of them are sick right now, not even ten years later, and most of them will die early because of respiratory problems, cancer, etc., because of EPA’s false statements. And you’ve got the same thing going on in the Gulf, EPA administrators saying the same thing that the air and the water is safe.”.....
by Dave Hodges
Over the weekend, a Norwegian gunman slaughtered 82 men, women and children. He bombed several places and shot up a kids’ summer camp. He didn’t approve of the Muslim invasion of his country and the incongruent confusion of multiculturalism. In the past 20 years, Norway’s ruling elite imported 500,000 Muslim immigrants into that once mono-ethnic society. That action created a growing separation and balkanization of that country. He may have reacted to a recent report that.....
by Frosty Wooldridge
Monday, 25 July 2011
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Britannia Radio