Week's Most Read Stories This week 157,926 visitors made 458,517 visits to view 702,085 pages. A big traffic week. The top stories in order of popularity were:
Meanwhile the Guy News room, swiftly followed by the Drudge Report, the Telegraph, Express and a host of American media webites highlighted some inconvenient truths for CNN's Piers Morgan, the former editor of both the News of the World and theMirror. He seemed to know a lot about the theory of phone-hacking and one story in particular needs some explaining. Guido hit the phones and quickly had support fromfour MPs keen, all to see Morgan called before the pending inquiry.
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Edited Highlights
While one story dominates, how could we forget that Johann Hari was finally supendedfrom the Indy. Guido is worried about the two degrees of seperation between a dead private spook, found with an axe in his head, and the Prime Minister. This scandal would probably be a little for the Dave to ride out if friends stopped getting nicked. AfterGuido's digging and an outline rejection of the allegations, the Guardian ended up apologising to The Sun, a move that let Murdoch gain at least one hit back this week.Thanks to Gordon. And there were eyebrows raised at a leading broadsheet figure...
Monday, 18 July 2011
As Murdoch's allies drop like flies and he prepares for Tuesday's show trial, the headache isn't going away for David Cameron. The blame game between his advisers over who-knew-what-and-when spilt out into the papers. As the weekend came to a close, Britain's top copper Sir Paul Stephenson resigned, claiming he had done nothing wrong in hireing a suspect as an adviser and clearly does not see that taking freebies on that scale is highly innappropiate.
Did you know the UK has the highest flight tax in the world...and is planning to increase it in time for next year's summer holiday? We already pay 8.5 times the EU average, so please user our online tool to petition your MP to persuade the Chancellor to keep his "Hands off our holiday" and cancel next year's planned flight tax increase.
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Britannia Radio