ToryDiary: Getting things in perspective. Big picture observations on Hackgate. John Glen MP on Comment: Liam Fox in for the long haul at the MoD Local government: Pickles to councils: keep business rates cash you raise Also on Local government: Heseltine pushes for elected mayors PMQs AT FIFTY: Margaret Thatcher celebrates the "decline of socialism" in her final exchanges with Neil Kinnock Army to be cut by 19,000 soldiers as reservists increase - BBC In a leader the Daily Mail urges cuts in foreign aid and the number of overseas operations involving UK troops. Liam Fox has allegedly taken control of the Forces chiefs' diary engagements in an attempt to stem leaks criticising Government policy - Telegraph How badly will Cameron be damaged by Hackgate? "Some Labour figures hope that Mr Cameron's membership of this rich club will damage him. For most of the public the class war is over, but the connection won't help Mr Cameron's attempts to win over the voters who didn't quite trust him enough in last year's election. More dangerous is that the Prime Minister may appear in voters' eyes to have some dodgy friends and look just as bad as the Labour lot, part of the old rather than the new politics." - Andrew Grice inThe Independent The resignation of Met Chief, Sir Paul Stephenson "Miliband's personal ratings have leapt up since he took on Murdoch. His Shadow Cabinet, which had been rather ignoring him, is full of admiration. He now has a chance to capitalise on his new-found authority. Today, he is giving another speech on responsibility, in which he will link bankers, politicians and journalists as powerful vested interests that have acted irresponsibly." - Mary Ann Sieghart in The Independent ...but in The Times (£) Tim Montgomerie is suspicious that he can: "The next election will be decided on the economy, and three times as many of the Conservatives’ target voters trust [Cameron] to deliver prosperity than trust Mr Miliband. Until Ed Miliband detoxifies Labour’s economic reputation I will still regard him as a failing leader." Millions of jobs 'at risk': Clegg warns of serious threat to UK from global debt crisis - Daily Mail Business rates shake-up ‘will widen the North-South divide’ "The poorest industrial areas in the North will lose out most under the most radical shake-up of local government finance for 30 years, council chiefs warned yesterday. Eric Pickles, the Communities Secretary, is expected to announce plans today for councils to keep £19 billion of business taxes a year to spend on local services." - Times (£) "Some ministers bravely make the case that there is no link between spending and results: the roll of honour, however, is short and includes Nick Herbert, Theresa May, Andrew Mitchell, Eric Pickles and Grant Shapps. But the default position across government, from the Prime Minister downwards, is to answer a particular concern by pointing out the level of government spending." - Andrew Haldenby in The Telegraph Wales has an advantage by having a Secretary of State versus regions such as Yorkshire - Tom Richmond in the Yorkshire Post Calls to look at power of BBC after Ed Miliband raises prospect of breaking up News international "Private firms need to fight for readers and advertisers – the BBC forces TV owners to pay a licence fee or face prison. So much for moral high horses. The vast majority of people never read the Sun, the Daily Mail or the Telegraph, but nearly everybody consumes BBC news and other content, and hence is exposed to its worldview and unavoidable cultural biases." - Allister Heath in City AM "With some honourable exceptions, whether in its drama, comedy, news reporting or current affairs, the BBC’s output rests upon certain articles of faith. For example, traditional Christians are all fundamentalist bigots; the science of man-made global warming is settled; opponents of mass immigration are racist; Eurosceptics are swivel-eyed fanatics; and all who oppose these opinions and more are Right-wing extremists." - Melanie Phillips in the Daily Mail > Last week's Platform examining the dominance of the BBC. Immigration should be frozen, says Miliband adviser - Telegraph Rising prices have left millions struggling to heat their homes while the government cuts schemes to support them - Luciana Berger MP for The Guardian Speaker 'ticks off twice as many Tories as Labour MPs' - Daily Mail > Yesterday's Parliament: Tory MPs twice as likely to be "Bollocked By Bercow" than Labour MPs ToryDiary: Comment: LeftWatch: WATCH: Cameron cancels Rwanda and Sudan stages of African visit
Miliband seeks to capitalise on his improved standing
Andrew Haldenby: Most Tories still imprisoned by Left's belief in intrinsic value of public spending
"Douglas McCabe, a a media analyst at Enders Analysis, argued that any review into media ownership would need to look at the reach of organisations via the internet and television. He said it would be perfectly legitimate to include the BBC in that... Tim Montgomerie, the editor of the website ConservativeHome, added: “We have been hearing so much about the dominance of Murdoch, but I think it is essential that we look at the dominance of the BBC,” he said. “Seventy three per cent of people get their news from the television and 70 per cent of TV news is provided by the BBC.”" - Times (£)
> Yesterday's LeftWatch: News International should sell some newspapers says Ed MilibandRowan Atkinson plays Miliband; Hugh Grant is Cameron; Peter Kay as Tom Watson; and Mick Hucknall plays Rebekah Brooks in Hackgate the movie...
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