Thursday, 14 July 2011

Stay Away From Chemotherapy and Radiation
Both chemotherapy and radiation have such toxic effects on the human body they must be stopped before they kill the patient. In the early days of chemotherapy drugs it was noted that skeptical patients who refused to take chemotherapy usually lived longer than patients treated with chemotherapy. Radiation therapy directed toward a bone containing cancer might initially seem innocuous but actually has effects throughout the body......
by Dr. James Howenstine MD

Is Obama aiding illegal aliens for votes?
President Barack Obama and his Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolititano are planning to make it easy for hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to enter the United States in 2012. The new rules were released last Friday without much media fanfare. According to Neil Munro at The Daily Caller, the “prosecutorial discretion” memo says officials need not enforce immigration laws if illegal immigrants are enrolled in an education center or if their relatives have volunteered for the US military........
by Jim Kouri

American workers must press for E-Verify
Colorado Senators Mark Udall and Michael Bennett possess the worst records on illegal and legal immigration in the United States: F- according to Roy Beck. However, more than likely, your own senators probably brag about their F- marks, too. Check for yourself. Once you see how your own elected Congress critters screw you at every juncture, please join Beck’s 1.1 million members and become a powerful force to stop the abuse of the American worker. Between eight and ten million illegal aliens hold down full time jobs inside America.......
by Frosty Wooldridge