Thursday, 14 July 2011


What Really Happened in Bosnia

By Richard Palmer, 12 July 2011

It was genocide. Charles Krauthammer called it “the largest ethnic cleansing of the entire Balkan wars.” A March 1999 New York Times article agreed with him.

“Investigators with the war-crimes tribunal in the Hague have concluded that this campaign was carried out with brutality, wanton murder and indiscriminate shelling of civilians,” Krauthammer wrote (Time, April 5, 1999).

Is this the dreaded Srebrenica “massacre,” commonly referred to in the media as the “worst atrocity in Europe since the Second World War,” perpetrated by the “evil” Serbs led by Ratko Mladic, who has now been arrested to be brought to justice?

No. This genocide was carried out by the Croats—the “good guys”—and thus, it was encouraged and praised by the West.

The Krajina Massacre

The massacre Krauthammer was describing occurred in the region of Krajina in Croatia. Croatian troops forced an estimated 200,000...

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Srebrenica: Bosnian Muslim Jihad killings of 3,500 Christians

By Lee Jay Walker, Serbianna 12 July 2011

Bosnia Muslim Jihadists

The image of Srebrenica tells us more about the reality of the majority of the media and of course the “Muslim victim card” is being used in order to cleanse the Bosniak Muslims. After all, from enslaving Orthodox Christians during their brotherly love with the Turkish slave masters of the Ottoman Empire to having Muslim SS units who supported Adolf Hitler; then “victimhood” is needed in order to justify their history and culture.

Of course the wishy-washy brigade will tell us that the Ottoman period was enlightened and that the system of taking the eldest Christian boy (devshirme system) in the Balkans and converting them to Islam was noble. Yes, slavery in the modern era being justified and not mere slavery because the system meant that they would kill their own people in the name of Islam after being indoctrinated by Islamists in the Ottoman Empire.

However, the liberal agenda tells us that...

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“I’m a Christian Too; Welcome to Israel”

Ramblings of a Levantine Expat

From the outset, at El-Al’s JFK security counter Israel had already begun shattering stereotypes. My “cross-examination” took roughly five minutes—even though I was told to expect a grueling five-hour interrogation (my first time flying El-Al.)

The airline’s security agents were tough as nails; deliberate, methodical, invasive even, but supremely courteous. They wanted to know why I was going to Israel, what was the purpose of my previous visits, the names of the conferences I had attended in previous years—at Beer Sheva and Tel Aviv—the names of some of my colleagues in Israel, my area of specialty, and the courses I teach at Boston College. It was all seemingly anodyne, and a legitimate line of questioning—albeit not the kind one would ordinarily expect when boarding a flight to Paris or Amsterdam. But I was not heading to either Paris or Amsterdam, and I came prepared for Israel’s tough(er) border-crossing politics.

I spent my...

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Obama’s ME policy based on Anti-Colonialism


By Lee Smith

Last week President Barack Obama’s administration announced that it was going to engage Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. As the White House explained, American officials from previous administrations have already met with members of the prominent Islamist party—a party that, it’s worth noting, has been resolutely anti-Western and viciously anti-Zionist since its founding in 1928. Obama administration officials said that they wish to expand contacts with the Brotherhood because they perceive, correctly, that the movement is likely to become an even bigger factor in regional politics.

The Arab Spring surely has something to do with Obama’s new approach, but it is hardly the sole or even the main cause of a shift that has turned U.S. Middle East policy on its head. So, what is?

Even before pro-U.S. regimes in Tunis and Cairo were toppled, Obama had said that he opposed the existing U.S.-backed order in the Middle East, which has rested on close military...

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Why is the US engaging Hezbollah

By Omri Ceren, Contentions,

There are a number of signs the Obama White House is ready to establish something more than a modus vivendi with Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon. From siding with Beirut over Jerusalem regarding maritime resources to providing weapons to the Hezbollah-infiltrated LAF on the thinnest pretexts, the administration seems intent on “biting the bullet,” “living in the real world,” “negotiating with enemies not friends,” or whatever leaden catchphrase we’re using this week to justify bringing into the tent fanatics who want to destroy us.…

But let’s all keep in mind what Hezbollah is, because there was a time when even the echo of something like national honor would have precluded sitting across the table from them or anyone who refused to repudiate them. We owe more than a few Hezbollah leaders death sentences, and we owe the organization itself nothing less than unremitting hostility until we or they lose (as the world’s only hyperpower,...

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A new poll of American Jews

Incomprehensible. How can they admire his qualities honesty, leadership, intelligence yet have deep concern regarding his policies. 57% of this sample are democrats yet only 43% are certain they would vote for him. The rest would consider someone else. How is it possible to be so strongly against his policies yet 43% are certain they would vote for him. Ted Belman

By Jennifer Rubin, WaPo

There is more fodder for the debate on the state of Jewish public opinion in America:

    In a poll conducted by Democrat Pat Caddell and Republican John McLaughlin for the non-partisan organization Secure America Now, American Jewish voters expressed admiration for many of President Obama’s personal qualities (honesty, leadership, intelligence…) they also expressed deep concern about the state of Israel/US relations and policies being championed by the Obama Administration.

    93% are concerned about Israel being threatened by Arab nations and Iran that...

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US did not directly support Lebanon’s position

By Arlene Kushner

For the record, Haaretz came out with a report, which I’m seeing cited elsewhere now, that Obama supported the Lebanese position on maritime borders. Prime Minister Netanyahu, Foreign Minister Lieberman, and Deputy Foreign Minister Ayalon have all explicitly stated that this is not the case.

This is Caroline Glick’s version of matters, in “The Path to the next Lebanon war”:

    “…guided by its appeasement ideology, the Obama administration has refused to take sides. It urged Israel to submit its counter-claim to the UN – where it can bully Israel into accepting arbitration of the dispute by the inherently anti-Israel UN.

    “More generally, by refusing to take sides, the US is in fact siding with its enemy Iran and Iran’s proxy Hezbollah against its ally Israel.

    “According to media reports, the Obama administration claims that by acting in this manner, it is seeking to prevent a flare-up of hostilities. That...

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Koch undercuts Obama

In “a shot across President Obama’s bow,” Democratic former Mayor Ed Koch yesterday urged voters in Queens and Brooklyn to make “history” by voting for the Republican candidate to replace randy ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner in the Sept. 13 special election — as a protest against the White House’s policy on Israel.

Koch — a staunch ally of Israel — said he would “vote for Bob Turner” if the Republican-Conservative candidate backs Israel and opposes cutbacks to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.

    “If Jewish New Yorkers and others who support Israel were to turn away from the Democratic Party in that congressional election and elect the Republican candidate to Congress in 2011, it might very well cause President Obama to change his hostile position on the state of Israel and to re-establish the special relationship presidents before him had supported,”

Koch said in his weekly commentary.

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Nothing much will come of the drive for recognition

Touval suggests that the UN should change Res 181 or Res 242 to reflect changes which have taken place. This is nonsense. The peace process is based on Res 242. Both the PA and Israel must accept the changes for them to be part of the peace process. Israel wouldn’t agree. Ted Belman

Ignore the impossible, go for the probable

By Yonatan Touval, HAARETZ

Amid growing confusion over how the international community should respond to the Palestinian bid for United Nations recognition, it is high time to dispel some basic misconceptions about September.

First, the UN will not vote on recognition of a Palestinian state. The reason is simple: It can’t. According to international law, only states can recognize other states. The UN, by contrast, is an international organization and is therefore not mandated to grant official recognition to states.

Second, the Palestinians are unlikely to declare their independence any time soon. The Palestinians have flatly, if not always...

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