Appeal to Emotion _ the attempt to persuade people by evoking strong emotions rather than making a logical argument. Example: “It’s for the children; those poor, innocent children!” Other fallacies in the same category: Strong emotions can displace rational thought, and manipulating emotions in an argument is fallacious. When we have strong emotions, we often want to take some sort of action but we must assess whether or not the actions we take are motivated by irrational feelings.Fallacy of the Week – Appeal to Emotion
Listeners of Jan Markell’s July 16th “Understanding the Times” broadcast will receive one free month of Steel on Steel access with the promotional code given during the show.
Part 1: Jan is host both hours and deals with John Loeffler from Steel on Steel radio. Is global debt going to be the crisis the Antichrist won't let go to waste? Probably. It is unsolvable. The two consider numerous economy-related issues now that there is a clear war against the private sector and a push for a socialized America. Today's global debt cannot even be comprehended. The ship of socialized fools in Greece and other parts of Europe is sinking and America should be taking notes. We could be next. The end-time plan of God is in motion and a one-world system and currency is on the horizon. We don't know the timing. Jan and John close considering the bright side of the dark side. This is the time when the church can shine and even replace the government in caring for some in society. Will it step up to the plate and follow through or is the church too far gone? We carry Loeffler's DVD, The Coming Persecution of Christians in the West found here. Learn more and to listen free, just use your e-mail and the password of Olive Tree.
Part 2: Jan is host both hours and deals with John Loeffler from Steel on Steel radio. Is global debt going to be the crisis the Antichrist won't let go to waste?
Probably. It is unsolvable. The two consider numerous economy-related issues now that there is a clear war against the private sector and a push for a socialized America. Today's global debt cannot even be comprehended.
The ship of socialized fools in Greece and other parts of Europe is sinking and America should be taking notes. We could be next. The end-time plan of God is in motion and a one-world system and currency is on the horizon.
We don't know the timing. Jan and John close considering the bright side of the dark side. This is the time when the church can shine and even replace the government in caring for some in society.
Will it step up to the plate and follow through or is the church too far gone? We carry Loeffler's DVD, The Coming Persecution of Christians in the West found here. Learn more at and to listen free, just use your e-mail and the password of Olive Tree.
Saturday, 13 August 2011
Jan Markell, Host "
Understanding the Times"
July 16, 2011 - Hour 1
Part 1: Jan is host both hours and deals with John Loeffler from Steel on Steel radio. Is global debt going to be the crisis the Antichrist won't let go to waste?
Probably. It is unsolvable. The two consider numerous economy-related issues now that there is a clear war against the private sector and a push for a socialized America.
Today's global debt cannot even be comprehended. The ship of socialized fools in Greece and other parts of Europe is sinking and America should be taking notes. We could be next.
The end-time plan of God is in motion and a one-world system and currency is on the horizon.
We don't know the timing. Jan and John close considering the bright side of the dark side. This is the time when the church can shine and even replace the government in caring for some in society.
Will it step up to the plate and follow through or is the church too far gone? We carry Loeffler's DVD, The Coming Persecution of Christians in the West found here. Learn more at and to listen free, just use your e-mail and the password of Olive Tree.
Posted by Britannia Radio at 08:03