BY STEVEN J. ROSEN, FOREIGN POLICY In a few weeks, an overwhelming majority in the United Nations General Assembly will likely vote for collective recognition of a Palestinian state. But which Palestinian state? Of the three Palestinian states the assembly could recognize, two are real and arguably could meet the requirements for statehood. But it is the third, purely imaginary one that the assembly will endorse, one that neither has a functioning government nor meets the requirements of international law. According to the prevailing legal standard, the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, a “state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: a) a permanent population; b) a defined territory; c) government; and d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.” Both the Hamas-controlled Palestinian entity in Gaza and the rival Fatah-governed Palestinian entity in the West Bank can be said to meet all four... New name for the United Nations: “United Dreamboard” or “Dreamboard International” We have referred previously to the United Nations as the United Kiddie Diddlers based on the sex for food scandal in which As the human rights group Save the Children documents in a new report, U.N. peacekeepers in the war-torn, refugee-rich Liberia have been accused of selling food for sex from girls as young as 8. …Congress should take the place of an unconcerned U.N. bureaucracy and hold hearings to investigate how and why young girls continue to be at the mercy of U.N. workers. At the very least, such hearings would shine a much-needed light on these tiny victims, whose lives have been shattered by the peacekeepers in blue helmets. It seems that Dreamboard would have been right up the United Nations’ alley, although the fact that it has been taken down by U.S. authorities with 72 arrests (so far) must doubtlessly disappoint that... Der Spiegel says the IDF and IAF are making increasingly loud demands to bomb Iran, while Mossad prefers assassinations. The commanders of the IDF, especially those in the Air Force, are making “increasingly loud” demands to strike Iran’s nuclear program, a German news source reported Wednesday. According to Der Spiegel, the question of how Israel will eventuallydeal with the threat of a nuclear Iran depends in part on a battle of prestige between the military and the Mossad – the latter being in charge of assassinations, and favoring them as a result. Mossad is behind the killings of three Iranian scientists in the last 18 months, the paper claimed. According to “sources in Israeli intelligence,” the targeted assassinations are part of a campaign to sabotage or slow down Iran’s nuclear program. The alleged campaign also... By Ted Belman It looks like nothing will come of Netanyahu’s dalliance with ’67 lines. Arab League finalizing PA statehood application for UN PA source: We’re under heavy pressure to drop plan, but it’s too late now; meeting in Doha being attended by Arab legal experts. Netanyahu: Protests across Israel won’t topple coalition government In about six weeks, before the high holidays, Netanyahu will present a plan that will “change the face of the country,” the sources quoted him as saying. Netanyahu said the plan’s main points were to break the monopolies that are preventing competition and to slash indirect taxes. By the beginning of next week, Netanyahu will announce the makeup of a “dialogue team” to consist of ministers and economic experts. They will meet with the heads of the protest movement and hear their demands. “This can be our great opportunity,” Netanyahu was quoted as saying. “No one can complain about the economy. The economy is... THIS KNESSET ROCKS The Knesset approved in the first reading Wednesday a government-sponsored law that would organize and reframe the legal means for fighting terrorist organizations. Some parts of the law will replace some of the British-era emergency orders of 1945, which are no longer deemed necessary. It is intended to give modern tools for the prevention of the existence and operation of terror organizations, for disrupting the organizational and financing infrastructures that maintain them, for catching perpetrators and bringing them to justice. The law also specifies new categories of terror offenses including the management of a terror organization, recruitment... I am all for it. This is a counterweight to all those NGO’s and the Supreme Court that want Israel to be a state of all its citizens rather than a Jewish state. I think that to say Israel has a “democratic government” is different than saying it is a “democratic state”. Being a Jewish state should trump being a democratic state. Ted Belman Forty lawmakers from both the coalition and opposition Wednesday submitted a proposal to the Knesset for a new Basic Law that would change the accepted definition of Israel as a “Jewish and democratic state.” The bill, initiated by MKs Avi Dichter (Kadima ), Zeev Elkin (Likud ) and David Rotem (Yisrael Beiteinu ), and supported by 20 of the 28 Kadima MKs, would make democratic rule subservient to the state’s definition as “the national home for the Jewish people.” By Ted Belman In Israel, the appellation of choice by the left is ‘anti-democratic”, or worse, ”fascist”. Any effort to protect the state of Israel, is attacked as a limitation of free speech and earns the proponents of the legislation, that label. The Left argues that such legislation is... Fundamentalist Islamic (aka Musloid) behavior speaks for itself Propaganda pictures of the Spanish-American War and World Wars usually featured cartoonist-drawn and highly exaggerated pictures of the enemy. Examples included Grant Hamilton’s “The Spanish Brute” which transformed a Spaniard into a brutal ape, Germans with exaggerated Teutonic features, and Japanese with fangs, claws, and exaggerated Asian features. Militant Islamic behavior, featuring pictures of genuine Musloids being themselves, are perhaps even more effective because the viewer does not need to have any faith in a cartoonist’s or artist’s veracity. The photograph speaks for itself.The Palestinians’ Imaginary State
United Nations = Dreamboard International
by Bill Levinson IAF Generals ‘Loudly’ Demanding Strike on Iran
A fourth scientist was wounded and subsequently appointed to head Iran’s nuclear commission.PA prefers UNGA recognition over negotiations
Netanyahu plans to “change the face of the country”
Netanyahu said he did not intend to meet with the protest leaders, who he believes are backed by leftist political parties and organizations. But he said he identifies with the grievances that are at the basis of the protest.Knesset Approves ‘Anti-Terror Law’
The law would provide a mechanism for declaring a group a terror organization, including the possibility of declaring an institution, a faction or branch operated by terror group members as a terror organization. This will be possible even if some of the organization’s activity is legal.Lawmakers seek to make Israel more Jewish than democratic
The legislation, a private member’s bill, won support from Labor, Atzamaut, Yisrael...“Racists” and “Fascists” and Miscreants
In America, one is called “racist” at the drop of the hat. This epithet is no longer limited to people who discriminate based on race but is used against people who voice any disagreement with leftist PC. If you are against multiculturalism, you are called a racist. If you are against illegal aliens you are a racist. If you are for limiting Muslim immigration, you are a racists. If you want to ban sharia law, you are a racist. If you reject a mosque at Ground Zero, you are a racist, and so on. It is immaterial whether you have good reason for your beliefs. The reason for such name calling is to inhibit you from expressing a contrary opinion. Unfortunately it works.
The Eight Pillars of Militant Islam (Taliban stoning of man and woman)
by Bill Levinson
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Monday, 8 August 2011
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Britannia Radio