Thursday, 4 August 2011

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The Nut Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree: Crazy Khadafy Son Claims Islamist Alliance After Weeks of Warnings of Islamist Threat

Like father, like son. Click here for the story.

On the other hand, he could be crazy like a fox. Appreciating that the United States intervened unnecessarily in Libya's civil war--on the side of Islamist-linked rebels--in line with an overall policy of appeasing and attempting to align with Islamists (except for Al Qaeda and so-called irreconcilable Taliban elements), the Libyan dictator's son could be simply trying a last-ditch, cynical ploy to buy time to negotiate an acceptable exit for himself and his family.

N. Korean Officials Dealing Drugs

The Kimist/criminal regime and the international heroin trade--exposed here.

Trapped by the Law: Iranian Petrodollars in S. Korea