Wednesday, August 03, 2011
The Nut Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree: Crazy Khadafy Son Claims Islamist Alliance After Weeks of Warnings of Islamist Threat
N. Korean Officials Dealing Drugs
Trapped by the Law: Iranian Petrodollars in S. Korea
Thursday, 4 August 2011
Like father, like son. Click here for the story.
On the other hand, he could be crazy like a fox. Appreciating that the United States intervened unnecessarily in Libya's civil war--on the side of Islamist-linked rebels--in line with an overall policy of appeasing and attempting to align with Islamists (except for Al Qaeda and so-called irreconcilable Taliban elements), the Libyan dictator's son could be simply trying a last-ditch, cynical ploy to buy time to negotiate an acceptable exit for himself and his family.
The Kimist/criminal regime and the international heroin trade--exposed here.
Posted by Britannia Radio at 08:16