Friday, 16 September 2011

Basel conference affirms Jews’ right to Jerusalem

The Jewish people’s historic and religious connection to Jerusalem and Israel are widely acknowledged, but what about their legal rights?

Opponents of Israel repeatedly refer to Israel’s “illegal occupation” of territories and to “Palestinian east Jerusalem,” but are these terms accurate in law?

A group of academics and legal scholars gathered in Basel, Switzerland, two weeks ago to discuss those issues and to affirm “their support for the recognition of the international legal rights of the State of Israel and the Jewish people in respect to the whole city of Jerusalem.” They issued a declaration stating just that, along with their support of “a unified Jerusalem” as the capital of Israel.

Organized by the Alliance for International Justice in Jerusalem, the conference met on dates corresponding to the first Zionist Congress in 1897 and in the same location, the Musiksaal.

The conference issued a...

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Smear, Inc.: Silencing the Critics of Islamic Supremacism

Assyrian International News Agency 15 September 2011

The recently released report “Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America,” from the George Soros-fundedCenter for American Progress (CAP), purports to expose a sinister network of American “Islamophobes” funded by a “flood of cash” who manufacture conspiracy theories about Islam, spread hate and bigotry against all Muslim-Americans, and inspire violence toward them, all for financial and political gain. But in fact, the very concept of Islamophobia is manufactured propaganda used by the subversive Muslim Brotherhood and their leftist support network to demonize and silence critics of Islamic fundamentalism.

The authors of “Fear, Inc.” are counting on its impressive length (138 pages), cascades of footnotes, a few three-color graphics, and professionally glossy cover to convince readers that it is thoroughly sourced, unbiased and undeniable proof of their...

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The European Caliphate

By Clifford May, NRO

A refugee from the Muslim world sees it taking shape.

For more than 30 years, Bat Ye’or, a refugee from Egypt, has been writing about dhimmis — Christians and Jews living under oppression in Muslim lands. Now, she has a new book, Europe, Globalization, and the Coming Universal Caliphate, that looks at Muslims living in lands that once were Christian but today call themselves multicultural. She predicts Europe will not remain multicultural for long. She is convinced that Europe, sooner rather than later, will be dominated by Islamic extremists and transformed into “Eurabia” — a term first used in the mid-1970s by a French publication pressing for common European-Arab policies.

Immigrants can enrich a nation. But there is a difference between immigrants and colonists. The former are eager to learn the ways of their adopted home, to integrate and perhaps assimilate — which does not require relinquishing their heritage or forgetting their roots....

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Darshan-Leitner to Columbia U, Host Ahmedinajad at your peril

By Ted Belman

The intrepid Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, Founder of Israel Law Forum, has many victories in her fight against terror and its enablers. Recently, she was instrumental in ending the Flotilla headed for Gaza merely by sending a “lawyer’s letter” to its insurers.

Last week she sent a similar “lawyer’s letter” to the Universities and Colleges in the US demanding that they protect Jewish students from antisemitism and harassment which has become endemic especially during Israel Apartheid Week. I have no doubt it will have its desired effect at least to a measurable degree.

And now, in advance of Columbia U hosting Ahmadinejad to a dinner, she has sent its President, Lee Bollinger another “lawyer’s letter” which reads in part;

    Hosting Ahmadinejad at a banquet is not merely morally repulsive: it is illegal and will expose Columbia University and its officers to both criminal prosecution and civil liability to American...

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Analysis: Financial Crisis May Destroy PA

By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu, INN

The Palestinian Authority’s growth has been fueled by handouts, but the World Bank reports that dry financial wells may cause an “acute fiscal crisis.”

The latest report, which contradicts previous glowing accounts of how the Palestinian Authority (PA) can maintain itself as stable country, warns of an economic slowdown in the PA, primarily due to the lack of donor countries fulfilling their pledges to fork over billions of dollars to Ramallah.

The World Bank also cited Israel’s security checkpoints as a reason for the PA’s financial problems, but unlike previous reports, the security measures were mentioned as a secondary problem.

Foreign donors, particularly the European Union, have pumped hundreds of millions of dollars to pay Arabs to take over land that had been under Israeli control until the mid-90s. Thousands of Arabs living in Judea and Samaria have received new vehicles to help them criss-cross the country, often skirting Israeli...

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Ketzaleh: Poll Signals Netanyahu Demise

By Gil Ronen, INN

National Union leader MK Yaakov Katz (“Ketzale”) said Wednesday that a new poll showing a downward turn for Likud signals the beginning of the end for Binyamin Netanyahu’s leadership.

The poll, which was carried out by Dialogue for Haaretz, shows that if elections were held today and Shelly Yechimovich were to head Labor, Labor would receive 22 Knesset seats – 11 more than it received in the last elections. The list headed by Labor’s former leader Ehud Barak would not make it into the Knesset.
Kadima would lose 6 seats and remain with 22 seats – the same number as that projected for Labor. Shas would lose one or two of its present 11 seats and Likud would lose 2-3 seats from its present 27.

The National Union and Jewish Home are projected to receive 9 seats if they combine forces, as opposed to their combined total of seven today.

“With the publication of the latest poll giving the joint National Union and Jewish...

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Why did US France and Britain want to defeat Gaddafi

By Ted Belman

Islamists’ Growing Sway Raises Questions for Libya says the NYT. And so it does but for the West also.

    The growing influence of Islamists in Libya raises hard questions about the ultimate character of the government and society that will rise in place of Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi’s autocracy. The United States and Libya’s new leaders say the Islamists, a well-organized group in a mostly moderate country, are sending signals that they are dedicated to democratic pluralism. They say there is no reason to doubt the Islamists’ sincerity.

    But as in Egypt and Tunisia, the latest upheaval of the Arab Spring deposed a dictator who had suppressed hard-core Islamists, and there are some worrisome signs about what kind of government will follow.

    For an uprising that presented a liberal, Westernized face to the world, the growing sway of Islamists — activists with fundamentalist Islamic views, who want a society governed by Islamic principles — is being...

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WOW. These guys are good. SHANA TOVA

Why Obama Is Losing the Jewish Vote

by Dan Senor, Wall Street Journal

Why Obama Is Losing the Jewish Vote

    A Public Policy Poll taken days before the election found a plurality of voters saying that Israel was “very important” in determining their votes. Among those voters, Republican candidate Robert Turner was winning by a 71-22 margin. Only 22% of Jewish voters approved of President Obama’s handling of Israel. Ed Koch, the Democrat and former New York mayor, endorsed Mr. Turner because he said he wanted to send a message to the president about his anti-Israel policies.

[Bill Levinson: The National Jewish Democratic Council meanwhile whistles past the graveyard.]

Australia Jumps on the Anti-Israel BDS Bandwagon

Laura:Australia, like every other western country is under threat of islamic terrorism. So the big debate going on amongst Australian senators is whether or not to boycott….. Israel. Lest we be accused of paranoia, we surely musn’t consider that singling out Israel for boycott has anything to do with anti-Semitism, it’s just an expression of “criticism” of Israeli policies. However I don’t suppose those pushing for a boycott of Israeli products have any qualms about doing business with the world’s most horrific regimes. I don’t suppose they’ve considered boycotts of China, saudi arabia, Pakistan, Egypt or any of the other numerous sharia states and tyrannical dictatorships.

Australian chamber debates boycott of Israeli products


Federal senators engage in heated political debate with conflicting views of anti-Israeli boycott movement; Green party condemned for support.

Australian politicians engaged in...

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Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel