Friday, 16 September 2011

How many people turned out for Sarkozy and Cameron in Benghazi?

According to the BBC, "[T]housands of Libyans have turned out to cheer UK Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Nicolas Sarkozy in the eastern city of Benghazi."

Turkey's Milliyet says there were only 300. Instead of the central part of the Tahrir Square, where demonstrations were held, the Libyan authorities picked a smaller section of it that was used for public prayers in Ramadan. Even that small part of the Tahrir Square couldn't be filled as only 300 people turned up for their liberators. The Libyan autorities called on people to invite their friends and family to avoid embarrassment. The Milliyet includes the picture of a sparsely populated meeting area in its article.

By comparison, Erdogan was welcomed like a rock star in Cairo a few days back. In the last leg of his Africa tour, Erdogan will visit Libya tomorrow where he will discuss the importance of Turco-Libyan friendship with the new government there.