Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Here is your Crux AM update:

$16 muffins, $5 meatballs: Audit finds outrageous spending at Justice Department meetings
The government "appears to be blind to the economic realities our country is facing..."

Eight reasons to avoid buying gold right now...
... And what to consider buying instead.

Former President Bill Clinton rejects Obama's new tax plan
"I personally don't believe we ought to be raising taxes..."

Legendary manager Klarman's top five dividend stocks
Includes three high-yielding stocks you've probably never considered...

The European bank run continues... Now spreading to insurance companies
Lloyd's of London is pulling its money from the eurozone...

Republicans warn Bernanke: No more QE, QE2, or QE3
"We have serious concerns that further intervention could further harm the U.S. economy..."


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux