Thursday, September 22, 2011
Obama Backs UN Control of American Gun Owners
Nazi Snake Spews Venom at UN
World Financial Collapse Looms
Just 31% Have Favorable Opinion of UN: 2006 PollIran Parades Ballistic Missiles
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Ahmadinejad Again Threatens US
IRAN'S MANIAC-IN-CHIEF THREATENSIsrael's Economy Keeps Growing
Rick Perry on Israel: the Whole Speech
Friday, 23 September 2011
Shocking Forbes Forecast: 'Financial Horror' Followed
by Rebuilding from the Bottom by the Fortunate Few
Click on the above, hyperlinked headline, read the article, and be scared, really scared, because the scenario makes perfect sense. The unthinkable is becoming more thinkable every day.
Europe's fall is likely to bring down the United States. But it doesn't have to be this way. Another, better world is possible--for Americans, at least.
The U.S. sits atop awesome, untapped natural resource wealth--proven and possible reserves of oil and gas, coal and shale, gold and silver, rare earth minerals. You name it, America's got it.
Development of the locked-up, choked-off resources would produce millions of well paying, permanent jobs (with benefits!) and make the world's greatest (but increasingly endangered) democracy the most prosperous nation on earth.
As the power elite prepares to shock the world economy into a clean slate, so to speak, in order remake the global financial system while profiting mightily from a historic, manmade catastrophe the old fashioned way--through plunder and piracy and the purchase of valuable assets, including whole industries, at fire-sale, bargain-basement prices--ordinary Americans and their so-called leaders should demand the immediate re-industrializing of their country based on aggressive, fair, environmentally sound exploitation of its true, neglected wealth--natural resources.
All that TV news and public affairs talk about retraining and re-educating for a new, "green" service economy is utter nonsense, misinformation or outright disinformation, in any case, a dangerous distraction for a critically injured patient--America--that is bleeding to death and in need of emergency care and long-term rehabilitation. The country's real wealth and real road to prosperity is hiding in plain sight, can be found by anyone with a decent Internet connection and an elementary school education. Sorry to have to tell you this, Tom Friedman, but America isn't Singapore. America is a big, rich country; and its real wealth is where it has always been--in the ground. Getting at that wealth--overcoming the job-killing, economy-crippling, middle class-crushing interests behind environmental extremism and global warming hysteria--should be Job One, along with decoupling the U.S. from the multilateral (and multicultural) madness that threatens its very existence.
After decades of bipartisan destruction and suffering caused by hollowing-out and outsourcing the U.S. economy in the name of saving the planet and lifting up the Third World, the time has at last come to move on ... dot US ... towards a richer, stronger, truly independent United States.
The UN has become synonymous with terrorism and tyranny, spying and stealing. That this monstrous organization, which threatens and undermines the sovereignty of the United States, is headquartered in New York City adds insult to injury.
The U.S. should get out of the UN and the UN should get out of the U.S. The 18 acres of East River-front Manhattan real estate presently providing a meeting place for murderers and thieves could be put to good public use. For example, the UN-occupied land could become the site of a great democracy museum and park.
The new Hitler isn't bluffing. Foreign Confidential™ analysts believe Iran intends to attack the United States with weapons of mass destruction in the event of an attack by either Israel or the U.S. on Iran's nuclear installations, and/or if the regime is threatened by a U.S.-supported, Arab Spring-style popular uprising,
Islamist Iran is close to being able to produce nuclear bombs and warheads, and has probably already produced several radiological weapons (dirty bombs) and biological weapons (using technology acquired from Communist Cuba).
Faster and faster.... Click here to read about Israel's astonishing economic performance.
'One Riot, One Ranger' - What a Difference
One Patriot Can Make Against an Evil Gang
Like a Texas Ranger Saving a Town from Outlaws,
Lone Star State Governor Comes to Israel's Rescue
As Israel's enemies gathered in glee at the United Nations, and America's apologist-in-chief, Barack Obama, prepared to appeal to the Islamist-led, international lynch mob, Republican Presidential candidate Rick Perry rode into New York. Like a hero in a Western movie or TV show, the Governor of Texas said this:
We are indignant that certain Middle Eastern leaders have discarded the principle of direct negotiations between the sovereign nation of Israel and the Palestinian leadership, and we are equally indignant that the Obama Administration’s Middle East policy of appeasement has encouraged such an ominous act of bad faith.
Simply put, we would not be here today at the precipice of such a dangerous move if the Obama Policy in the Middle East wasn’t naïve, arrogant, misguided and dangerous.
It must be said, first, that Israel is our oldest and strongest democratic ally in the Middle East and has been for more than 60 years. The Obama Policy of moral equivalency which gives equal standing to the grievances of Israelis and Palestinians, including the orchestrators of terrorism, is a dangerous insult.
There is no middle ground between our allies and those who seek their destruction. America should not be ambivalent between the terrorist tactics of Hamas and the security tactics of the legitimate and free state of Israel. By proposing ‘indirect talks” through the U.S. rather than between Palestinian leaders and Israel, this administration encouraged the Palestinians to shun direct talks.
Second, it was wrong for this Administration to suggest the 1967 borders should be the starting point for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. When you consider this suggestion was made on the eve of the Israeli Prime Minister’s visit, we see in this American Administration a willingness to isolate a close ally and to do so in a manner that is insulting and naïve.
Third, by injecting the issue of 1967 borders in addition to a construction freeze in East Jerusalem and Israeli settlements, the Obama Administration has put Israel in a position of weakness and taken away their flexibility to offer concessions as part of the negotiation process.
Indeed, bolstered by the Obama Administration’s policies and apologists at the U.N., the Palestinians are exploiting the instability in the Middle East hoping to achieve their objective without concessions or direct negotiations with Israel.
Read the whole speech here.
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Britannia Radio