From the desk of George Handlery on Thu, 2011-09-22 08:12 Minor news items can at first appear to be insignificant and as such “useless” for the commentator. However, once a stroke of lightning provides the connecting idea, these items become united in an unanticipated context. Once this happens, the small pebbles transmute into the supporting beams of a significant story. This is what happened in the case of the news bits behind this essay. From the desk of Johnny Fincioen on Wed, 2011-09-21 09:59 For the fourth time in about six months, Obama presents a deficit reduction plan. He does this after setting the world record in deficit spending over the last three years. But, just as his other three proposals, this new plan is tossed out as well. Republicans and Democrats in Congress are unable to pass his massive increase in taxes. The President knew that before hand. He’s just playing political theater. Only his job, his reelection is important to him. He offers insane schemes, and then when Congress doesn’t agree, he travels the land with all the luster of a President to blame the Republicans for the stalling economy, not the Democrat Senators who don’t follow him either. Obama insults the Republicans and paints them as obstructionists, who throw grandmother off the cliff, who close schools, who stop scientific research, etc.An Unencoded Message We Like To Dismiss
Bleed The Rich!
Friday, 23 September 2011
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Britannia Radio