Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Bio-terrorism preparedness gets thumbs down by bipartisan group
In June, 2010, while the Congress was still controlled by the Democrats, a report released by the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of the U.S. House of Representatives, revealed that almost nine years after the 9-11 terrorist attacks Attorney General Eric Holder did not have a coordinated plan to respond to bio-terrorism or the threat and use of other weapons of mass destruction. Sadly, that situation remains, according to terrorism experts......
by Jim Kouri

Herman Cain's 9-9-9: Another poison band aid for bankers
There is no constitutional authority to steal the fruits of our labor to give to any foreign country for any reason, so why aren't the candidates pointing the finger where it belongs - at the outlaws in the U.S. Congress for not stopping all foreign "aid"? Don't forget: Every penny borrowed from the "FED" has interest tacked on; more debt heaped on our backs, our children and grand children with no future except poverty........

Progressive Media Encourage Lawlessness and Anarchy
The situation is quickly getting out of control, thanks to President Obama, cowardly Republicans such as Eric Cantor, and media personalities such as Dylan Ratigan. A confrontation is inevitable because the protesters are refusing to move and the public is demanding access to the parks and public spaces they pay for. The day is coming when the police will be forced to move on protesters who promise to “resist.”.....
by Cliff Kincaid

Herman Cain: Runaway Slave
Cain was correct in saying black voters have been brainwashed by the democrats. Black overseers have kept blacks obediently and mindlessly monolithically voting democrat for years despite huge elephants in the black community's living room; over 70% black high school dropout rate, over 70% black out of wedlock births and unprecedented black unemployment under Obama. Black overseers and liberal white democrats do not want to see a character driven black in the Oval office who will not exploit his race to further a socialistic agenda......
by Lloyd Marcus