eu reform treaty Time for radical reform on EU revenues - Lamassoure
European Parliament (press release)
"Now is the time for radical reform, to give substance to the EU Treaty provision that expenditure is to be financed by EU own resources, meaning tax resources," EP Budget Committee Chair Alain Lamassoure said during a workshop on new resources for the ...
See all stories on this topic »We won't leave Europe, but it won't rule us
We believe that Europe needs fundamental reform. As a Conservative, I want to bring powers back from Europe, as we set out in our election manifesto. But a referendum on Britain's membership of the EU, especially at this time of profound economic ...
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Fiji Times
But the ACP Brussels secretariat said the reform would increase doubts about the benefits of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPA) for countries that have yet to sign. Fiji has an interim EPA with the EU. The secretariat's statement said duty free ...
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Saturday, 22 October 2011
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Britannia Radio