By Arlene Kushner There is no one, but no one, who is not glad to see Gilad alive and free. That is, as an issue separate from how his freedom was achieved. He came out in much better shape than had been expected — which makes it clear not that Hamas has become humanitarian, but that they understood his worth to them in a trade. He has handled himself with intelligence, including in the horrendous interview to which he was subjected in Egypt. May he heal in soul and body, and go on to live a meaningful and full life. He should never be begrudged this, now that he is out. My empathy for his parents, however, and in particular his father, Noam Shalit, is considerably less. Not that I am without understanding of his pain, and his longing for his son to return. But, rather, that I am uneasy with how Noam conducted himself these last five years. There are those who say that he did what a father had to do — this was his job: to make as much noise as possible to help bring his... Once the fact of Muammar Qaddafi’s abrupt demise on Thursday, Oct. 20, is absorbed, Libya will be left with the same power struggle between pro- and anti-Qaddafi loyalists as before – with the added horror of blood revenge pursued by his clan and tribal allies. Terror victims’ group Almagor demanded Thursday that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak immediately publish the conclusions of the Shamgar Committee, which was appointed to set rules for cases in which soldiers and/or civilian citizens are abducted by the enemy. By Ted Belman Israel announced construction in Gilo two weeks ago and Merkel got angry. So rather than say to Merkel “its none of your business”, Lieberman sends Ayalon to Germany to explain in order to reduce tensions. Israel insists on no preconditions to negotiations and Abbas demands a construction freeze. A new Columbian mediator asked Netanyahu for a symbolic gesture. So Netanyahu offers, according to Haaretz, the following, He agreed to freeze construction by the government and to halt building on government land. But he said he would not agree to freeze construction by private developers on privately-owned land in the settlements. Only a small portion of construction in the settlements is carried out or funded by the government, however. Most is performed by private parties. Abbas has yet to respond. Netanyahu continues to be soft when he should be tough.Implications of Shalit trade
Gaddafi is dead, long live the war
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Saturday, 22 October 2011
DEBKAfile Special Report October 21, 2011,
Until proved otherwise, Saif al Islam and his siblings are still around. Their own Qadhafah tribe and its allies, the Warfalla, Al-Awaqir and Magariha, will not rest until they avenge their leader’s death. Furthermore, those tribes remain as hostile as ever to rule over their territory by the National Transitional Council and the tribes of Cyrenaica in eastern Libya which the NTC represents.
If the interim government had demonstrated any ability to rule a nation and bring a measure of unity to its disparate parts, the National Transitional Council might have stood a chance of bringing them...
By Gil Ronen, INN
Its conclusions have not yet been made public because the committee met after the Shalit abduction and did not want to influence activity that might have already begun to free him.
The group also announced plans for a new campaign calling for a return to the spirit of Yoni Netanyahu, brother of the prime minister. Yoni was commander of the Sayeret Matkal elite IDF commando unit and was killed in the raid that freed the hostages of an Air France flight forced to land in Entebbe, Uganda, in 1976. At the time, Israel refused the demands of...
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
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