The Mole: Defence Secretary has made matters worse with his grovelling apology Monday: The First Post's super-quick catch-up on the main news talking points, available from 8am daily 'Like' The First Post on Facebook to receive news updates Follow The First Post on Twitter for the latest news Whatever the facts of his friendship with Werritty, Fox has shown poor judgment - just like William Hague In pictures: Clashes have erupted in Cairo after a Coptic Christian protest turned violent A year in jail too for Marzieh Vafamehr after she makes a movie shot and distributed without permission Rugby team return home from New Zealand with yet another front-page embarrassment to deal with Macca's third wife is also his second heiress – but not much else is known about her Pictrure of the day: Motorcyclists compete in the RHL Beach Race at Weston-Super-MareThe First Post
Fetch the blindfold: Liam Fox awaits his fate
Ten things you need to know today
Why Liam Fox is dogged by ‘gay’ insinuations
Sectarian clashes in Cairo - pictures
Iranian actress sentenced to 90 lashes for illegal film
Tuilagi’s ferry leap brings final ignominy to England
Paul McCartney weds again: but who is Nancy Shevell?
Motorcycle beach race, Weston-Super-Mare
Monday, 10 October 2011
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Britannia Radio