Fox: His Unlikely Friendship With Werritty – James Kirkup
Fox: Paid Werrity Out of Parliamentary Expenses – Telegraph
Fox: Guardian’s Inconsistencies – Iain Dale
Fox: Innuendo Without Substance – ConHome
Fox: From Denial to Climbdown – Guardian
Cameron’s Last “Liberal Conservative” Speech? – Liberal Vision
Meet the Taxpayer Funded Union Reps – Telegraph
Gay Marriage is Not So Simple Dave – Charles Moore
Print £75 Billion, Why Didn’t I Think of That? - John Redwood
Cameron Gets One Over On His Real Rival, Ed Balls – Patrick O’Flynn
Julian Glover to No.10 – Politics Home
Rise of the Sons of Brown – James Kirkup
The Very Least They Can Do Is Register – Telegraph
QE is a Disaster for My Constituents – Douglas Carswell
Call Off the Misguided Crusade Against Inequality - FT
Cameron’s Eurosceptic Containment Strategy is Failing – Progress
Unlikely Lookalikes – Mark Wallace
Piers Morgan interviewed by New York Magazine…
New York: How did the Mirror obtain Kate Winslet’s phone number and the McCartney-Mills voice-mail tape?
Piers Morgan: I’m not going to respond to every single, individual story. I published about 100,000 stories in eleven years. If anybody has any evidence of illegality, present it.