Union Directives,Regulations and Laws. EU watchdogs set sights on bank trading floors
Financial Post (blog)
The priority for banks is to deal with the sheer volume of new European Union directives being discussed, bankers said this week. They cannot yet gauge the impact on profitability, which has already been hit by new capital rules. ...
See all stories on this topic »Massive Cornwall waste plant is rejected by judge
West Briton
A High Court judge yesterday quashed the Government's decision to approve planning permission for the incinerator, ruling that the environmental impact had not been properly considered under an EU directive. The landmark ruling prompted tears of joy in ...
See all stories on this topic »EU bans pre-ticked boxes on websites
A statement said: “With the new directive, pre-ticked boxes will be banned across the European Union.” Online traders must disclose the total cost of the product or service, as well as any extra fees under the new rules - and customers will be exempt ...
See all stories on this topic »
Ireland's judges lose their wigs in austerity move
Irish Budget Watchdog Calls For Further Austerity
Portugal toughens austerity in budget
Draghi Urges Italy to Implement Austerity to Avert Spiral
Spain health service chokes as austerity tightens,0,1748770.story
French unions hold strikes, protests against austerity measures amid euro crisis
President Nicolas Sarkozy’s conservative government says the cost-cutting measures are essential to reducing the country’s debts and allowing France to remain a pillar of the troubled eurozone.
Troika concludes Greek mission, warning more austerity needed in 2013
UK's Cameron: Austerity is only solution to crisis
Mort Zuckerman
A bankrupt America needs an age of austerity
American Profligacy and American Power
The Consequences of Fiscal Irresponsibility
By Roger C. Altman and Richard N. Haass
November/December 2010
The U.S. government is incurring debt at an unprecedented rate. If U.S. leaders do not act to curb their debt addiction, then the global capital markets will do so for them, forcing a sharp and punitive adjustment in fiscal policy. The result will be an age of American austerity.
Friday, 14 October 2011
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Britannia Radio