Bullet Points from the Long Article on the Localism Bill. Just Two pages AND LETTER. For those with very busy lives and looked at the many pages I sent round yesterday and set them aside with a ‘YUK’, here are the main points on just two pages. I was looking at two of the clauses from the Localism Bill and how this Government ignores the affects they will have on our Common Law Constitution. EU’s Localism Bill is absolutely contrary to our Constitution. Our Government is allowing foreigners to make laws that changes forever the governing of our Country and is indeed absolutely contrary to our Common law Constitution. The Localism Bill divides-permanently-the Nation and Country of the English and England into EU Regions. Scotland is already classed as an EU Region, as is Wales and London. How long will the word ‘ENGLAND’ remain in the Maps? Firstly Clause 28: Repeal of provisions about petitions to local authorities. ● Clause 28 removes the requirements for local authorities to establish schemes to accept and respond to local petitions. The petitionhas a long and noble history in this country and is an ancient practice of written request to the sovereign, the Government or Parliament. ● It was recognised in Magna Carta of 1215/1297 the Act of 1406 and William and Mary Bill of Rights of 1689 restated that right in unambiguous terms, ‘…it is the right of the subjects to petition the King, and all commitments and prosecutions for such petitioning are illegal’.” ● When a petition is sent to their elected MP, MPs have a duty to present petitions, even where the terms of the petition may be disagreeable to them personally. ● Clause 30 – EU Fines to the UK Government: Power to require local or public authorities to make payments in respect of certain EU financial sanctions. This part creates a power to recover funds from local authorities and other public authorities in England in order to pay all, or part of, a European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) financial sanction imposed for a failure of the United Kingdom to comply with an obligation under the EU treaties. ● Firstly, everyone in this Country is innocent until proven Guilty. ● when individuals are “Fined” by a UK Court, their ability to pay is taken into account, and a trial is of course held-innocent until proven guilty. ● Every Minister of the Queen’s Realm, every MP, every Member of Government swears a true and faithful oath of allegiance to the British Crown. Yet time and time again, Government put the EU needs before the needs of their own Countrymen. ● EU Fines tend to come in thousands, millions and who could stop them coming in billions? All this is also contrary to the Declaration and Bill of Rights 1688/9, “nor excessive fines imposed” and as above all are innocent until proven Guilty. When was the trial? Was the Jury sworn in? ● I ask when some-one (or our UK GOV) is “fined” can this fine be passed on to others that have had absolutely no hand in committing any “crime” what-so-ever? Neither have the people in UK Regions? Yet it is their money used in fines! ● We-the people- pay twice for the same fines, once by our taxes that pay for our MP’s to govern us and again by our taxes to the newly organised Mayors and their entourage. Fines that are imposed upon our Government by the EU, that our Government-the people YOU elected- now expect US/YOU/ME to PAY THEIR FINE. Yet the people will not have committed ANY OFFENCE. ● Clause 29 Magna Carta makes clear that "for a trivial offence, a free man shall be fined only in proportion to the degree of his offence, and for a serious offence correspondingly, but not so heavily as to deprive him of his livelihood. In the same way, a merchant shall be spared his merchandise, and a husbandman the implements of his husbandry, if they fall upon the mercy of a Royal Court. None of these fines shall be imposed except by the assessment on oath of reputable men of the neighbourhood". See also Clause 39 and 40. When will our money run out if we keep paying fines? ● Article 9 Bill of Rights protects Members’ rights of free speech in Parliament, and was used fairly recently re MP’s Finances. Also when we were all banned from holding Fire Arms, this was challenged by Michael James Burke in 1998 and his right to hold a gun and had held a fire-arms certificated at that time for 25 years. He lost his case, so much for Judges that knew their Constitution but did not uphold it-but the more of YOU that fights for it- the message will eventually get through, and now of course ONLY THE BAD GUYS CARRY GUNS. ● In November 2004 a ‘people’s petition’ took place in “today’s” world regarding Iraq which went direct to our House of Commons by MP Bob Spink (Castle Point) (Con): this is available to read through the web-site given at the end. “The Magna Carta, the Act of 1406 and the William and Mary Bill of Rights of 1688 all gave rights to citizens to petition the Government. MPs have a duty to present petitions, even where the terms of the petition may be disagreeable to them personally. The wording (quaint wording) of the petitions has to contain these certain wording for it to be read out in the House of Commons and recorded in Hansard. I hope many, many letters are sent, particularly as we are denied any “say” at all. Please read his letter, and then send one of your own. My letter which I hope helps, is on the last page of the LONG informative letter from my research. XXXXXXXX A 4.10.2011. Bob Spink’s Petition in Parliament, http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200304/cmhansrd/vo041115/debtext/41115-34.htm#41115-34_spnew0 Your Address Certain “strange” words have to be used regarding the petition part as laid down. AP 3.10.2011. Dear YOUR OWN MP. The Magna Carta of 1215/1297, the Act of 1406 and the William and Mary Bill of Rights of 1689 all gave rights to citizens to petition the Government. MPs have a duty to present petitions, even where the terms of the petition may be disagreeable to them personally. I disagree with the whole of the Localism Bill presently going through Parliament and the Governments determination to divide ENGLAND into EU Regions. Had we not been in the European Union, it may have been a good idea, but in the EU, the REGIONS come under the Committee of the Regions and the EU. Scotland is already an EU Region as is Wales and London. My petition states: To the Honourable Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament Assembled. The Humble Petition of (Your own name here), sheweth. That the Governments proposed Localism Bill started its journey in the European Union and is recorded in the Council of Europe. This Localism Bill is a move too far in respect of the ‘laws and customs’ of the realm, which Her Majesty The Queen is committed on Oath to uphold for her entire reign. I have very deep concern that if this legislation goes ahead, it will deepen greatly the constitutional illegality of our EU Membership under statue law still in force, and divide the Nation and Country of ENGLAND into EU Regions forever. It is also yet another extra layer of Governance we simply cannot afford. The first extra layer of Governance is of course the European Union which, under the over mighty European Communities Act 1972, we joined in 1973, as if we had no prior history at law and which is costing us multiplied billions of British pounds in EU Contributions alone, and not counting all the EU Agencies, etc. Therefore this petitioner prays earnestly that your Honourable House shall urge the Government to withdraw the European Union’s Localism Bill and is withdrawn before permanent damage has been done, for without doubt, I have to say to the Honourable and Right Honourable persons in the House of Commons there is grave danger through this Bill of destroying our Common Law Constitution that so far, until recently, has preserved our ancient freedoms for 600 to a 1000 years. Millions of British people have died to protect our Constitution, and in particular in two World Wars-just so that we could Govern ourselves and those we elect to build upon our Constitution using it as a base, the foundation upon which new laws can enhance and protect it forever. Support of this petition by those whose sworn allegiance is to the British Crown and through the Crown to all the people within the Crown’s Realm must be upheld and this Country you all serve must come before all else. As indeed as your Petitioner and as is duty bound, I will indeed ever pray. Your signature.
Friday, 14 October 2011
A little while ago I sent round an e-mail containing a Petition that could be sent to your own MP regarding the Localism Bill, for it to be recorded and read out in Parliament. I sent the said article to my own new MP and this morning had a reply which included, "I read your letter with great interest but as I have previously mentioned I do not believe that the Localism Bill in any way furthers a European Union agenda".
I have this Morning, by e-mail sent him the "Bullet points re 2 Clauses in which those two clauses drive a Coach and Horses through our Common Law Constitution, Magna Carta and our Bill of Rights. And once more pointed out it is a petition, and not just a letter. I am aware that some of you have forwarded your own Petitions to your respective MP's, and indeed you have a choice whether you wish to do so or not-it is entirely up to you for freedom and a free country is what this is all about. However, as we are being denied a referendum on an in or out of the EU, this is one way of making views known about the EU's Localism Bill that Government is putting through as its own idea, should you wish to do so. Indeed it might have been a good idea had we been out of the European Union completely. Here again is the Petition. Forgive me please if I intrude.
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