Romney’s foreign policy speech, which I posted a few days ago did nothing for me. What I want to know is whether he supports an undivided Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. Secondly I want to know if he supports Israel annexing all or part of J&S and whether he supports Israel building in J&S. On these matters he was silent.Ted Belman Romney’s Jewish backers enjoying front-runner status, even as challenges continue from his right By Ron Kampeas · JTA October 11, 2011 WASHINGTON (JTA) — Mitt Romney is the whack-a-mole front-runner: He consistently leads the Republican pack, but only by beating back one conservative challenger after another. First it was Michele Bachmann, then Rick Perry, and now a surging Herman Cain. His contradictory status — as a front-runner caught in a constant rearguard action against challengers to his right — both energizes and frustrates one of his most loyal constituencies, Republican Jews. Romney’s financial... By Linda Gradstein ·JTA, October 11, 2011 JERUSALEM (JTA) — Dan Shechtman remembers the day he was kicked out of a research group because of the theory that last week won him the Nobel Prize in chemistry. “Read this book. What you say is impossible,” the group leader at the National Bureau of Standards in Maryland, where Shechtman was doing his sabbatical in 1982, told him. “I told him, ‘I know this book, and I know I have something new,’ ” Shechtman replied. The response, recalls Shechtman: “You are a disgrace and I want you to leave my group.” “My friends were nice to me, but kind of in the way that you’re nice to the retarded kid,” Shechtman recalled with a wry smile at a news conference this week. Nearly 30 years later, Shechtman received the Nobel Prize for his work in quasicrystals, also called Shechtmanite. Shechtman is... - Judi McLeod, Canada Free Press Thursday, October 13, 2011 Even as so many go about their daily lives hoping to hold it together in a recession whose end may be too distant to tell, the revolution is already upon us. Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests, which didn’t happen overnight but were three years in the making, have been portrayed as spontaneous outbreaks by ragtag gangs of shiftless, harmless hippies. They are in fact the army that Barack Obama boasted about even before he came into power. Trained in the fine art of Civil Disobedience by Ruckus Society anarchists; paid for by George Soros and the Tides Foundation, among others, aided and abetted by street fighters like Code Pink and Greenpeace, count on OWS as a permanent part of society until Obama and his masters perfect the fundamental Transformation of America through Marxism. By Daniel Greenfield The ultimate symbol of Muslim Democracy may not end up being the purple fingers of the Iraqi ballots but the smoke from burning churches and dead Coptic Christians in Egypt. While Iraq was tenuously balanced between Shiites and Sunnis, Arabs and Kurds, there is no such balance in Egypt. The average Egyptian is a Sunni Arab and thinks Christians are dogs. Church burnings are as close as Egypt is ever likely to get to democracy and we should be happy for that. The Muslim world is so enthusiastic about democracy because it allows the majority to slap around the minority– at least more so than it’s already doing. And when there isn’t a clear majority to sit in the driver’s seat, they throw in musical chairs coalitions of different ethnic and religious factions in between bouts of civil war. There are some substantial misunderstandings on the nature of the Gilad Shalit exchange deal. I should stress that the list of those Palestinian prisoners being given in exchange for him has not yet been released. But note the following: -The number 1000 is impressive but most will be chosen by Israel, meaning they will be prisoners with the lightest sentences and crimes – in other words, people who would have been released anyway during the next year or two. -Israel rejected Hamas’s demand to release those being called “arch-terrorists” who were major organizers of attacks or responsible for a larger loss of life. Going to Israel to find Quebec There are the countless stories of conversions from one religion to another, from atheism to belief and from belief to atheism. Whatever the intellectual process that leads to such a dramatic change in a life, the final step is always a leap of faith. On Oct. 1, La Presse published two extracts from a newly published book recounting a double conversion – first political, then religious – requiring a leap of faith over such an unusually wide chasm that it deserves our attention. The author of Juif, une histoire québécoise, is Richard Marceau, a former MP...What’s Romney’s position on the peace process.
What is it about Israel that wins Nobels?
Schechtman joined another group, but the paper he wrote was rejected and he was ridiculed by many colleagues.The Revolution is Upon Us
OWS vow they are after the 1% of the population that is uber rich. But their real job is to cow the middle class. They are not after Daddy...The Trouble With Muslim Democracy
That’s the situation in Lebanon and in Iraq, but those countries are lucky because the minority there is a sizable enough to have a shot....Strategic Notes on the Gilad Shalit Prisoner Exchange
-Of the most serious terrorist prisoners, only a bit over 96 will be released into the West Bank and 14 to east Jerusalem where they could cause direct trouble for Israel. The rest will be sent to the Gaza Strip or deported altogether. Those with lighter sentences who live in the West Bank would have been sent there...A journey from anti-Israel Roman Catholic to pro-Israel Jew
Barbara Kay, National Post · Oct. 12, 2011
All of these leaps of faith are interesting, because the same uniquely human faculty – the ability to critically examine the received wisdom of one’s youth, and to reject it in favour of other more compelling resolutions to one’s spiritual discomfort – can lead to so many disparate and often contradictory solutions.More Recent Articles
Ted Belman
Jerusalem, Israel
Friday, 14 October 2011
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Britannia Radio