Gun Rights and Mitt Romney Liberals want to level society by taking away your benefits Throwaway humans
As the Gun Owners of America’s Board of Directors looks at the Republican candidates running to unseat radical anti-gun President Obama, we see several who have strong pro-gun backgrounds. Ron Paul, Rick Perry, Michelle Bachman all have solid pro-gun records and deserve a hard look from pro-gunners. At least one frontrunner candidate stands in contrast with.....
by Tim Macy
Although unpopular, many politicians are in favor of eliminating the mortgage interest deduction which allows a citizen to deduct their mortgage interest payments from their taxes. This famous deduction was allowed to go through the latest round of negotiations without change. Lawmakers were working for and had hoped to cut this deduction as part of the debt ceiling compromise. They had even included.......
by Coach Mitchell Goldstein
In 2005 a nineteen-year old Canadian woman strangled her newborn baby and threw his tiny body over a fence. Twice a jury found her guilty of second-degree murder. Upon appeal the conviction was overturned and the baby’s killer was given a three-year suspended sentence and will spend no time in jail. She may, however, spend 16 days behind bars for throwing the baby over the fence. Does that not make your blood boil?.....
by Marsha West
Saturday, 1 October 2011
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Britannia Radio