Saturday, 1 October 2011
By Rodney Atkinson
In an extraordinarily naïve article in The Sunday Telegraph 4th February 2007 David Cameron betrays that dangerous ignorance of the European Union which characterises the entire British political class.
He describes the foundation of the EU as a "post war generation's response to the realities of the day". No it was not - it was the German and European anti democratic and anti Anglo Saxon response to their failures of 1918 and 1945. The European Economic Community (and its Charlemagne prize given to those who have done most to "build it") were founded by rather too many Nazis for anyone's comfort. Germany had already started the process of undoing the Treaties of Versailles, Potsdam and Yalta with its friends in the corporatist French political class by founding the 1951 Coal and Steel Community. This was an EXACT REPRISE of what they did after the First World War in 1921, thus laying the foundation stone of Hitler's "integrated Europe" of 1941 and the European Union of today.
David Cameron condemns an EU which "debates the future of 500 million people behind closed doors". But is he not aware that the entire edifice (to which he is still devoted) was constructed in the 1950s "behind closed doors"? Mr Cameron's igorance of the EU's origins proves how successful that secrecy was! According to the US ambassador to Germany at the time, George McGhee (my father's tutor at Oxford as it happens) it was the secretive meetings of the Bilderberg Group which "brought the European Union into being".
It was also the Conservative Government under Edward Heath which concealed from the British public for 30 years the report which it had itself commissioned from Lord Kilmuir and which condemned the betrayal of constitutional freedom which Heath was about to commit. No wonder it was suppressed. Continuing that arrogance and deceit, it has recently been revealed by the MEP Ashley Mote that there are 3,500 secret committees "advising" the European Union - membership of which is even hidden from MEPs. Secrecy is the very heart of the EU and it was founded not with the approval of all but by concealing the intentions of the few - the supranational corporatist pseudo elite which founded it and by whose imperial and anti-democratic methods it is run.
David Cameron's "new realities" today include the "countries previously locked out of freedom" by which he means those (briefly free and democratic) countries which in 1989 left the soviet communist yoke and a few years later had their constitutions destroyed by the European Union. Indeed most of their constitutions were overturned even before they joined the EU as the European Commission forced hundreds of thousands of regulations into their legal systems. Indeed it is a tribute to the topsy turvy world of the British political class that those peoples for whom we went to war in 1939 (Poles and Czechs) who are today the most vociferous in their rejection of the EU. And it is the British Conservative Party which for decades spurned them in favour of the rampant imperial Franco German Euro-State.
Mr Cameron claims in his article that he "and Britain" want "a Europe of nation states" and yet he despises and attacks the one party in Britain (UKIP) which unambiguously has that as its central aim. He claims that Britain can lead Europe and yet points to Europe's failures (massive burdens on industry, the failed agricultural policy, growing carbon emissions, centralising power) - all catastrophic failures of policy from which no British government has ever been able to divert it.
No, Mr Cameron. The EU does not "have flaws". It is one massive flaw. To that extent it is like the Tory Party under your leadership. Europe must rid itself of the European Union as surely as the Conservative Party must rid itself of its present leadership - simply to survive.
It is sometimes possible for leaders of political parties to reform, renege and adopt the policies they should have embraced in the first place. But in the case of David Cameron he has gone so far and has been so dismissive of everything that his own party members stand for that no one would believe it if he recanted. He must go - for the sake of his party, his country and the peoples of Europe! These are dangerous times. Those who forget history cannot be allowed to force the rest of us to relive it!
Rodney Atkinson is an expert on the whole European evil debacle, his
books 'Treason at Maastricht', 'Europe's Full Circle' and 'Fascist Europe
Rising' are classics in their own right.
His assertions below, although four and a half years old are as pertinent today as when he wrote them. The only thing I would question is his assumption of Cameron's ignorance. Cameron is a Conservative as was Heath who was in no way ignorant of the facts and the truth. Heath was simply an evil and deceitful man and it is arguable that Cameron is subject to no lesser an indictment. Cameron has been advocating the introduction of a bill of rights, one would find it impossible to believe that he is unaware that we already have a lawful Bill of Rights which Cameron and the Conservatives flatly refuse to recognise and uphold or indeed any aspect of our Constitution.
It should not be forgotten that Rodney Atkinson and the late Norris McWhirter sought to lay charges of high treason on Edward Heath. Unfortunately their brave institutive was dismissed by the then Attorney General who unlawfully took it upon himself to deem not that there were no charges to answer for there clearly were, but that in his unauthorised view it was not in the public interest to proceed. It was this treasonous abuse of power and privilege by the Attorney General and the intelligence I gained from Rodney Atkinson and Norris McWhirter that occasioned me to engage in the battle to force recognition of the lawful supremacy of our Constitution which we lose sight of at our peril. On several occasions I was privilaged to share a public platform with Rodney Atkinson and Norris McWhirter, sadly Norris is no longer with us and is much missed, but I cannot understate the importance of listening to Rodney Atkinson and digesting the essential informtion he affords us.
xxxxxxxxx bl . The Magna Carta Society.
Should Christians Support Cameron?
Some Personal Thoughts - on David Cameron
Respect the Office? Yes.
Respect the Man in the Office? No, I am sorry to say.
I have noted that many elected officials, both Liberals and Conservatives, called upon Britain to unite behind Cameron. Well, I want to make it clear to all who will listen that I AM NOT uniting behind Cameron!
I will respect the Office which he holds and I will pray for him, BUT that is it. Today I have begun to see what I can do to make sure that he is a one-term Prime Minister!
Why am I doing this ? It is because:
- I do not share Cameron's openly Marxist vision for Britain;
- I do not share his belief in the EU - I believe we should leave it today;
- I do not share his total lack of moral and patriotic action and fervour;
- I do not share his profligate approach with MY Foreign Aid, to nations richer than us;
- I do not share his view that Britain is still a strong nation under his leadership;
- I do not share his view that the military should be reduced by 25%;
- I do not share his view that "Britain is now a Multi-Cultural Nation";
- I do not share his view of amnesty to all immigrant criminals;
- I do not share his view of giving more to immigrants, than our own British Citizens;
- I do not share his views on allowing Sharia Law to be introduced to our nation;
- I do not share his views on Political Correctness;
- I do not share his tolerance of our City Finance and Taxes going to Frankfurt;
- I do not share his beliefs on how to manage the NHS healthcare system in Britain.
- I do not share his Strategy views of the Middle East; and
- I certainly do not share his plans to sit down with terrorist regimes such as Iran.
Bottom line: my Britain is vastly different from Cameron's - and I have a higher obligation to my Country and my GOD to do what is Right !
The Coalition have not moved towards patriotism at all, in any of their beliefs and their philosophies and they never compromise their personal beliefs for the betterment of our nation!
They have portrayed my Britain as a land where everything is tolerated, except being intolerant! True freedom of protest is no longer allowed in our once free nation.
They - and the Judiciary, have mocked and attacked the very core values so important They have mocked and attacked the very core values so important to the founding and growth of our Country! Our Magna Carta Constitution has been totally ignored and our legally inherited Rights signed away to foreign rule - without my permission, without any request or vote by me - or by my leave!
Last, but not least, Cameron has made every effort to remove the name of GOD and Jesus Christ from our Christian Society, yet he actually encourages the growth of Islam!
Unite behind Cameron? Never!
I am sure many of you who read this think that I am going overboard, but I refuse to retreat one more inch in favour of those whom I believe are the embodiment of Evil!
Margaret Thatcher made many mistakes during her Leadership and I am not sure how history will judge her. However, I do believe that she weighed her decisions in the light of the long established Judeo-Christian principles of our Christian Ancestors!
The majority rules in Britain and I will honour that concept; however, I will fight with all my power, to be a voice in opposition to Cameron and his "goals for Britain .."
I am going to be a thorn in the side of those who, if left unchecked, will destroy our Nation! Any more compromise - is only more defeat!
I pray that before the next election, many who sit on the sidelines, will wake up and not allow the Socialist-Marxist anti-GOD crowd to change any more of what has been good in my Britain for the past 800 years!
GOD bless you and GOD bless our Country!
xxxxxxxxx sp
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Britannia Radio