Sunday, 16 October 2011

Is the New World Order unraveling?

It can't unravel fast enough for most Americans and Europeans, now suffering unemployment thanks to the globalist corporations and politicians who have overrun our planet. ONLY a small clique at the top holds the N W O together. But they don't seem capable of articulating what it is they hope to achieve and how this cozy alliance of the disparate could actually help anyone, let alone notimpoverish all of its members.
Angela Merkel, the old German lady who keeps hugging Sarkozy in public, took a stab at explaining the merits of the euro zone when she said "no 2 countries with the same currency have ever gone to war with each other."
I guess she forgot that
1--In the bad old days before the N W O banned war (to be read with a voice dripping with sarcasm), no two countries had the same currency -- so how could one test the hypothesis that two countries with the same currency won't fight?
2--Almost every civil war ever fought was between 2 parties with the same currency.
3--NATO, made up mostly of the peace-loving European Ruling Class, all using mostly the same currency, does not seem to have noticed the pacifying effect of the euro, having launched countless air strikes on peace loving civilians in places like Kosovo and Libya.
Oh, well, Angela, when you run out of things to say that make sense, just say something nonsensical. Nobody is listening anyway.

xxxxxxxxxxx DH
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2011 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: Is the New World Order unraveling?

Conservative Patriot