Saturday, 12 November 2011


Europe’s Debt Crisis has Spiraled out of Control

The Rt. Hon. Chris Grayling C.M. on Suing the EUjUST
Just a quick report as promised on the question raised last week.

After a good and robust speech (without notes) after the Annual Dinner last evening, Chris Grayling left us in no doubt about his feelings for the EU and the Lib-Dems. He as we, would far rather be without both.

He did show though, why a difficult path through the political minefield has to be trod, for if the Lib-dims., though in a minority, are totally alienated, they’ll simply run into the welcoming arms of Millipede & Co. and combined they will be able to wreak havoc on any good government motion that they choose.

He answered questions straightforwardly without fluffing and when I asked exactly what mechanism he’d use to sue the EU for allowing ‘Health Tourism’ to continue, he said the approach would be through the ECJ and that he’d see that it was not shelved or sidelined. [Of course no-one can double-guess the outcome for it may even if baulked, be a win/win situation. As if won, good show but if lost it would highlight to the sleepy public at large, the fact that we are being unfairly treated and add more weight to a tactical withdrawal to reassess and rebalance our relationship on a trading rather than an absorbed, political level.]

For clarity the bracketed words are mine and not his. All cynicism aside, he did seem determined to go into bat for Britain .


German Finmin: Euro states must give EU more power

The pressure of the crisis is allowing things to happen which otherwise wouldn't be possible... the bigger the crisis the greater the need for change

Germany ups borrowing in 2012 as euro peers save

Euro: problem or scapegoat?

“Ultimately this is a political crisis masking itself as an economic crisis. The economic crisis is real, but it starts with the politics,” said Volker.
“We’re getting through the crisis of the last couple of days, but that doesn’t mean we’ve actually solved any of the basic problems concerning the euro.”

European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws.
Carbon Trade Wars: Why US Should Accept EU Rules on Aviation Emissions
Huffington Post
As the world's first regulatory effort to curb emissions from aviation, the EU Aviation Directiveincludes all flights from and to European airports in its emissions trading scheme as of January 2012. It is the latest in a series of EU environmental ...
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Facebook on EU data protection laws: We're already compliant
ZDNet (blog)
We have to make sure that they comply with EU law and that EU law is enforced, even if it is based in a third country and even if its data are stored in a cloud. My colleague, Zack Whittaker, argues this updated European directive will shake the cloud ...
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Independence of the Energy Regulator in Slovakia
The Slovak Spectator
As a result the Ministry of Economics is able to draw on RONI's 10 years' of experience in its preparation of new energy legislation to implement the EU Third Energy Package (ElectricityDirective 2009/72/EC and Gas Directive 2009/73/EC). ...
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