Saturday, 12 November 2011

New law could affect your retirement income... your healthcare benefits... even your abiliWarning: New law could affect your retirement income... your healthcare benefi

Warning: New law could affect your retirement income...

your healthcare benefits... even your ability to travel and purchase gold

Dear Daily Crux reader,

Each day, the
Crux team canvases the investment advisory world to bring you the world's top insight and news. Here are the top selling products in the industry right now...

The "World's Treasure Chest" – Where riches await you!
As the world struggles with Round II of the financial crisis, there is one country that never stopped growing. It has been called the World's Treasure Chest, as it is home to vast deposits of gold and energy resources that could last 1,000 years or more! It's no wonder this country is home to the world's best-performing stock market over the last century, and has become the haven of choice for dividend-seekers worldwide.

Urgent: Experts say the odds are against your survival in a crisis
Over 91% of Americans are unprepared to face 23 likely risks from disasters, terror attacks, and civil unrest. Are you? FREE Report reveals a simple, proven, and affordable plan.

Start your silver hoard with a free one-ounce coin
Mr. Market is giving you an incredible opportunity -– silver has fallen 23% in the past month 23%. That makes it a great time to buy some! Will it start climbing again? Absolutely, says Michael Checkan, the president of Asset Strategies International. Go here to learn why he is so positive... and how you can receive a free Silver Eagle to start your own silver hoard.

The Stock Market Paradox of 2012
It runs against all conventional wisdom... And against what everyone is saying in the press. Yet, there's a stock market paradox which takes place every single time we have an economic situation similar to today's. If you're willing to keep an open mind, I'd like to show you exactly what this paradox is, and how it's creating an opportunity to make an incredible amount of money.

Have you heard of "Capps' Law"?
The U.S. gov't has begun enforcing a little-known, new law. It could affect your retirement income... your healthcare benefits... even your ability to travel and purchase gold.


Justin Brill
Managing Editor,
The Daily Crux