Saturday, 12 November 2011

Is Government Creating Violence?
In Northern California and Southern Oregon federal and state agents from four government agencies are creating an atmosphere that if left unchecked could ultimately end up in violence. These agencies and their out of control agents along with radical members of the environmental community and the Karuk Tribe are apparently deliberately creating problems that are infuriating America’s farmers, ranchers, the timber industry and those who use our country’s public lands in Northern California’s Siskiyou County......
by Investigative Journalist Barry Clausen

Eight Lonely Souls
The constitutional carry measure was torpedoed and destroyed by legislative Democrat progressives who hate guns and individual rights, by a media that loves Democrat progressives who hate guns, by Republicans who promised support and then cowardly reneged because they feared a media that loves Democrat progressives who hate guns, and by sheriffs’ who felt that to be required to recognize the second amendment rights of their constituents deprived them of power and authority........
by Sheriff Jim Schwiesow, Ret.

Reviving Witchcraft: Spiritual War is on the Rise
While researching the "green movement" back in the early nineties, I was hiking through a beautiful forest with a young environmental activist. She had just told me that she was a witch, a lesbian, and an elementary school teacher. She wanted to help build a "better" world -- one that reflected her quest for "good, not evil" power......
by Berit Kjos